[quote=@Beeve] [color=lightblue]" Oh no, feel free to take yourself upstairs sweetie!" [/color] [/quote] T.J. replied gratefully [color=00746b]"Thanks Marie, you're the best"[/color] then he turned to the others in attendance and showed them the label on his key [color=00746b]"If any of you need me, I'll probably be unconscious for the next few hours after that"[/color] he quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote something down on it [color=00746b]"That's my number, shoot me a text and we'll do lunch at Chang's or something"[/color] The formalities over with, T.J. went to grab his things, taking one last look outside as he did, he just couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on here under the surface. He shook himself again and laughed at the thought, too many horror stories in pursuit of his Master's had left their mark on him apparently. But the feelings returned as he passed the other rooms, and as he entered his, and as he lay, awake, staring up at the ceiling. [color=00746b]"Home sweet home"[/color] He said, dreading the unpacking of his things.