[b]7:32 PM Fleeing [/b] "Geeeh." Lily weakly protested as her body still reacted to the ruckus going outside. She really wanted to be sleeping and taking a rest right now, believing her part had been done. But there was an awful racket outside. "Buzz off". She groaned, still half drunk. It was then when Carrie's voice awakened her once again. It was Carrie. She was on top of the roof, and more magical girls were arriving. But still, the fact that her old comrade was back despite her life pains, and was already kicking ass, all while her sister was looking there still trying to drive and look panicked, awoke something in the eternal 12-year old. "cksake." She half motioned as she pulled her pendant out of her purse, initiating a quick transformation complete with sparkly moves and the most tepid entonation of her transformation spell ever. "Star Transformation Water Lily whatever." She mumbled, as she pulled the door open and flung herself in the roof in the fray once more, her healing spells already burning the alcohol out of her body. She looked in top shape, in no in small degree the fact that she still fit the same childish dress of 20 years ago. "Time to kick ass!" She yelled as she aimed her wand and..." Moonlight BeeEEEEEGHRRMG!" Apparently that wasn't the type of projectile attack she wanted to do, but with the sudden jolts of the car, the healing rush, and the alcohol, the contents of Lily's stomach were flung at high speed towards the creatures. Oh well, it would serve as a distraction.