Scorn's momentum and shock of losing one of her claws, made her open and meant Starbright's foot connected with her face. She fell backwards, her nose burning and the taste of blood in her mouth as blood pour out of her nose. The pain though was brief as she remembered she was a claw short. "Oh now you are going to get it," she growled getting up spitting out some blood, getting ready to strike again. However her attack was delayed by a new player to their game. "I'm always up to play Hotshot, but it hardly seems fair, two against one," she replied to Hotshot. She went to a defensive pisition. With Starbright seemingly indestructible to her claws she needed to think of a new way to fight him. A twisted grin appeared on her face as an idea came to mind. "I know how to even the field. What we need is some darkness," she stated the area growing dimmer as the shadows in the room seem to grow. Within the shadows she dissapeared laughing ",Let the games begin. How good can you would be heroes see in the dark?"