[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9FwGT8r.png[/img][/center] Why did people who could fly always make cryptic statements before leaving? He hadn't explained anything--or even if he had another name--before disappearing. What she sought? She wanted a way home so she could find Miku, did that mean that she wouldn't be here for long and could find her way home? Answer: apparently not, with a very familiar voice calling out for her just a moment later--barely enough time to turn around and catch the other girl before they both ended up on the ground. Again. It wouldn't have been the first time that had happened, but it was nice to not get their clothes all dirty again... even if those clothes were still her [i]pyjamas[/i] and Miku had managed to get dressed somehow. "Miku! You were brought here too?" the brunette responded, relief nevertheless creeping into her voice. Even if she was trapped alone, away from home, and with no proper clothes, at least Miku was here with her, a warm place to come back to... though with her focus on Miku she was only half aware of the conversation going on and the leaving officer. "Eh? Where are we going? The shelter? But there's nothing left to hide from." [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hw7N8Qw.png[/img][/center] The UN understandably wanted to form some group to deal with the crisis and an offered proposal but it was strictly lacking in... details. The representative had shown that there was some crisis going on, but Klaus had already known that simply from the fight that they already had to do. In old New York giant winged reptiles were not a regular occurrence and nor were people able to fight them on even footing, though of course some had existed in secret. Whilst he had helpfully established that this was less of a localised phenomenon than the collapse, his proposal hadn't really given them any more information or a suggestion beyond working together. An agency under UN oversight might have too much friction with the jurisdiction of sovereign countries, and a vast amount of criminal damage in the mere process of fighting off any potential monstrous invaders. Working on a UN council would probably lead to a lot of paperwork and criminal charges, but if there was funding to be had, maybe it could be one source and those of them brought there could form a less public group to confront the threat. Or, in other words, he could establish Libra once again. But before that could be suggested or discussed in any way, two girls appeared from nowhere, one rather militant and the other oddly old fashioned. Then promptly left again, leaving none of them the wiser. Not wishing to be missed out on if everyone did start talking at once--and aware of Leo's question, though that was a much harder answer--the redheaded man raised his hand. "Does anyone know who they were or what they were arguing about?" It seemed related to their problem, but cryptic statements could easily be interpreted to be relevant even if they [i]weren't[/i].