Winnona was flocking to the scene, as most people around town were. A huge fuss at a bank, a classic scene. She watched from afar as time stalled, no one came out with their hands up. Were police in there? Pulling her jacket tighter around her waist, she braced herself for the possibility of needing to help some citizens out, in case any injuries came to face them. But what she did not expect was a large bomb to go off. Screams ensued the area, people began running. Winnona braced herself. She was close enough to get knocked back a good length of feet, but nothing she couldn’t heal from. She could simply stand up, dust herself off, and feel everything crackle back into place. She knew she would be the first to respond to explosion, considering her proximity and ability to bounce back. She began searching through a big cloud of smoke, looking for anyone yelling, ignoring the chase scene that seemed to take place beyond the bank after the villain. Was there anyone she could save?