[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DEA7D1]6[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/y5azs80/0Rgmcj3c1/library.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] They all seemed to be on the same page, which was good, if for no other reason than it gave them something to do. A step in the right direction to figuring out this mystery that is their life now. Though she was unsure about trusting those who had previously taken them to...whoever wanted them, the soldiers were their best bet at making some headway in this facility. She didn't trust any of them. Not yet. None of them were painted in the best light, as of yet. However, they had each other, for better or worse. Hopefully, they could find answers or at least an exit. She wanted out of this place quickly. She put the gun she held away and waited for everyone to be ready. [color=DEA7D1]"Ok, we have a plan. Let's get going before anyone else gets shot."[/color]