Augie watched in silence. He was contemplating the power of these crystals. If this lady was for real... The sound of a scream brought him back to reality. A brunette he hadn't noticed before had just tased one of their assailants, and rolled out the door, running away. Augie gripped the crystal, birthing possibly one of the more stupid ideas he'd had. He rushed the last man, copping a taser shot in the arm, which sent him sprawling. As he lay on the floor, all he could focus on was the electric current running through his body. Perfect. That lady said he needed to concentrate, after all. He willed the electricity to pool in his hand, just before the man came forward to handcuff him. Augie took a firm grip of the man's arm, releasing the stored energy into his body. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the man dropped, probably unconscious. Probably. He still had some static in him, so he crawled over to the man who had only been winded and sent a fist into his head. Neither the fist nor the static were enough to knock him out, but the two combined were enough. Augie scrambled to his feet, pulling the taser shot out of him as he did so. He ran out the door and followed the brunette.