[center][img]https://puu.sh/zmqL5/9f5771d644.png[/img][/center] [hider=BGM] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_EDH0GcN_w[/youtube] [/hider] [hr] There was a building. A looming giant, towering over the trees and houses that surrounded it. In front of this building stood a girl; elegant rose leaves twirled around her platinum colored hair as she basked in the glory of Hope’s peak. This was her first day attending the school, and her eyes should have been sparkling with happiness and anticipation…and yet, a solemn glare was the only thing to be found on her empty face. [hr] [sub][color=662d91]“Where the crap am I?”[/color][/sub] A voice, it came from outside, perhaps somebody was lost in her neighborhood. It didn’t matter; he would be on his way eventually. A still numb Snow opened her droopy eyes, which were facing the ceiling of the room. She reached for the ceiling with her right arm before focusing her attention on its hand. [color=999cc8] “A dream.”[/color] A soft and sweet, yet melancholic voice echoed through the room. No, it wasn’t a dream, a memory. But what happened after? She couldn’t remember, or she forgot. It didn’t matter; she would be on her way eventually. When Snow turned her head sideways, she expected to see a teddy bear, a poster of a beautiful snowy landscape, a familiar room. But…she wasn’t in her room at all. The only familiar thing in this room was the grey-toned ceiling that tricked her into feeling at home. Snow abruptly shot up from the couch she was so comfortable on, perhaps a bit too fast, as her blood flow hadn’t quite caught up to her brain. After the short-lived headache dissipated, she stood up to inspect her surroundings. The walls were wooden and unable to keep the chilly air out. It was cold when it should be summer: problem number 1. After observing the room for a good few minutes, she came to the conclusion that she was located in a kind of presentation cabin for camping fanatics. There was an old-fashioned projector facing a whiteboard, and chairs littered around everywhere, which on its own wouldn’t implicate anything specific. But in the backroom, loads of English written binders about various camping aspects were lying around. Luckily, Snow had a basic understanding of English from her past experiences, though some words were still lost on her. But nothing in this cabin gave her any clues as to where she was: problem number 2. And then there was the [i]why[/i]? There are about a thousand possible scenarios, but it would be better to single them out to the most obvious. She suffered from amnesia. She went to school for half a year but an injury caused her to forgot her experiences there and she was currently in a place which she had also forgotten. But wouldn’t it be weird to forgot such specific things? Amnesia is not biased, so why did she only forget her experiences from exactly the day that she attended hope’s peak and after? Another possibility would be that she was kidnapped before ever entering the school. But she couldn’t find any signs of a struggle or abuse on her body, nor did she remember being assaulted. The third scenario would implicate that she was dead, and this is the afterlife. But that would mean that nothing changed, except for the location; so that’s very unlikely as well. In any case, she had no concrete proof to support any theories: problem number 3. After rummaging through her brain for another 10 or so theories, she decided that it was enough. There was simply no way to know for sure until she found more clues; it wasn’t as if the exit was locked. However, on the odd chance that she [i]was[/i] kidnapped, she decided to break the leg of a table, and use it as a weapon. And so she reached for the doorknob- [b]“What the FUCK?!”[/b] Snow immediately released the knob, flinching back a few steps. That shout came from very close by, and it didn’t sound very endearing. It confirmed that there were more people in the vicinity, but their tone intimidated Snow. Maybe she should peer from the window and try to check the guy out first. Peeking out from the side of the window-frame, she immediately spotted a boy with a beige ponytail. He didn’t look extremely imposing, and seemed to be watching his surroundings as if he was clueless as well. So earlier was a shout of desperation, a cry for anyone to explain what the hell was going on. It was reassuring to know that she wasn’t alone in her predicament, but also bothersome, if that guy ended up sticking around her; he would surely bog her down. However, if he was obedient, then two pairs of hands would be better than one, and if he ended up annoying her, Snow could hopefully ditch him at some point. And so she reached for the doorknob once more, and opened the door with a confident attitude, table leg in hand. As soon as she walked out into the open, she noticed a lake in the distance, but it was fenced off. No, [i]they themselves[/i] were fenced off; perhaps to keep wildlife or hooligans away from whoever owned the property? Furthermore, it seemed like there were quite a few more buildings here. And in front of one of them stood another guy, purple haired and a guitar on his back. It must be a weird musician or artist trend to dye your hair purple, though it looked very unnatural. Luckily for Snow it didn’t look like purple guy was familiar with shouting boy, as they didn’t interact with each other whatsoever. Hopefully, purple guy would stay out of it, because Snow was not looking for more than 1 person to keep her occupied; 1 person was already stretching the limit. [color=999cc8] “Hey, if you have any idea as to where we are, or why; now’s your chance-”[/color] Said Snow to Taka with a confident yet empty tone, table-leg still in hand. She looked to be trying to intimidate the cross dresser, but there was a subtle desperation in her voice that just wanted answers. [color=999cc8] “If not…then help me find out.”[/color] However, both her desperation and confidence were overshadowed by a lack of empathy that rested behind her eyes; it was as if she felt no emotion or interest towards Taka at all; much in the same way that humans don’t feel anything towards ants, they are just naturally insignificant in comparison. The only thing she was interested in was solving this mystery sooner, rather then later.