[b][h3]Emilio[/h3][/b] [b]"We are to bring you to the army for questioning. These are our orders." [/b] She was to be taken to the army for questioning, this was the reply he had been given by those in charge. He had no idea what she were but it was surely not human. Not that he felt worried overly much about it, he wasn't human himself after all. None of them were as far as he could tell, but as the moment now were, in his own world Wong had worked alongside humans against the Psychiccer only group called Noa. So to Emilio they were allies, if temporary so. It was sometimes hard to figure out what Wong actually wanted to do. Emilio tended to not bother too much figuring out what, and that same thing applied to him to som degree even in this world. As long as the army would provide him with entertaining missions he would not have much reason to leave them. Though if they decided to fire on him or get in his way he wouldn't have any qualms about leaving them. Right now though he wanted to toy around with someone. Preferably a non-army member. Like a renegade or enemy whose emotions would yield the amusement he wanted. Not that he exactly wanted to kill everything he saw, but tormenting them in specific ways mentally foremost. For some reason he felt good whenever someone else was having misfortune. As if it was a sedative to dullen a buried feeling within himself. [b]"The army does not want you to be exterminated it would appear... heh heh. So let's go shall we?"[/b] Whatever the army had in store for this scythe wielder it was surely something amusing. He did not question that. What they did was of no concern to him though as long as he got to have some fun himself. Being locked up in a room waiting for assignments were boring. [b] [h3]Alberich[/h3][/b] Alberich kept his cold stare as he followed Mordred. She was not interested in talking or paid him any respect. He realized that she was probably not going to be of any use to him at all and he would have to look elsewhere for potential allies. She could get into that hole and get herself killed. What difference would it truly make? He could just report back to the others that both she and Menomaru both died and the fourth one deserted. Then he would be assigned with someone else who could be more cooperative to his goals. If the thing down in the hole got away or not it wasn't all that important as long as he got away himself. He smirked as he wandered down the hole. He might aswell take the time to memorize her moves would she eventually in her arrogance and recklessness turn her sword on him. She did seem the type who would swing before thinking. [i]Do not look down on me or you'll die. Woman. Marin, Seiya, Hyoga and even Shiryu underestimated the powers of the brain of Asgard.[/i]