After that exceptionally good hit on the bandit's part, Jacoby could sense that his mage armor had just weakened considerably. While Jacoby still had it's protection the armor could no longer hold back mortal blows, meaning 1 more good hit could possibly mean his end. But from the looks of things, the bandit was in just as bad a condition as Jacoby was. Jacoby attempted to hit his foe with 1 final eldritch blast to end their duel so Jacoby could find cover and heal. But this time the bandit managed to dodge the attack. "If any are able to provide assistance at the moment, I require some over here!" Jacoby called out to his comrades as he prepared to defend against the bandit's retaliation. [hider=Mechanics] Jacoby attempted to hit his bandit with eldritch blast, but missed on a roll of [url=]10[/url]. [/hider]