|Civilization Name: Harlaci Imperium |Preferred Color: Orange (Our nation's primary color) |Second Color: Black |System Names: Argonia (Yellow), Revar (Red), and Machia (Green). The three blue dotted systems are in order from top to bottom, Alpharia, Beronnia, and Crassicus. |Location: (Working on the details but as you can already see, I've plotted it on the map below on the Sagittarius arm. ) Side note:[hider=Info about what I did, and why is my empire like that.] What I did to my empire's location is that I represented each owned system with a circle and a dot that symbolizes the systems primary function. For example, Yellow for the capital, Red for Military, Green for Trading, and Blue for colonies. The black circles and lines are undiscovered systems and starlanes that lead to currently known systems. The lines that connect each circle is a starlane, I know I should place more starlanes connecting to my empire but the thing is, our empire was founded on one of the farthest arms of the Milky Way galaxy. Feel free to state your opinion on what I did, its just an idea we used on a previous nrp in another forum anyway. [/hider] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2nkiaok.jpg[/IMG]