[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]National Assembly[/b][/h2] With the new year already beginning, the STU' leadership decided to try and garner some monetary support for the year ahead - since they were lacking behind on the funding of the larger parties. Plus, in case sudden elections were called - the STU might be at a disadvantage compared to some of the other parties. As this was happening, the Samgolan Technocratic Union - agreed that Samgola Air needed to be improved upon and hoped that the new bill for funding to improve their standards and safety might help in that regard. Since it seemed a somewhat decent bill, compared to the other two bills - that they deemed would be just a waste of taxpayer money. [hider=Actions] [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Kamidye [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Dabrado [u]Call to Vote:[/u] Aviation Safety Act [u]Seek Donor[/u] Action Points Remaining: 0/5 Funds: 239,000$ [/hider] [/center]