The Offer accepted. For such temptation could only have one outcome. The will was weak against the bite of hunger, even knowing full well the nature of the Corrupter, still they tried. He challenged them to challenge him, his ways gnawing at the insufferable pride within, gouging out and gorging out a throne of his own design. Inside the heart his maleficence, taking seed within the mind as the whisper of his voice. He was undeniable, for all kingdoms crumbled given enough time, no mortal or god could suffer his slow advances for they were their own! To refuse the desires of your nature, to deny the hunger that ate at you, it was not he that was the greatest enemy to overcome but your own damned self! And that was why amongst the gods it was he that was the most vilified and feared. Pleased with the deal cast in the assembly, the devourer reclined back into his macabre throne with a sinister smile. He presented her a choice, and she had no choice as it was he that presented it, his own power subtly displayed, his influence gripping the court which came to take their seats. The myriad of nobodies in the ranks and file, gods and lessers, pawns to entwine in his silk-wrapt contracts. Their powers to be his, the Maven of Deals, as so too would he call upon Silacetus. "Where are your manners? Sit, Huladni, she has taken her place... You have yet to take yours... The longer you are here, the greater chance the Outsiders will breach..." A gesture at the crude seat. The biting words of Zhystkrexas pointing out the duties of the Essentials, his was to feast, and the caveman's was to guard. There was no love between them for as much as Huladni watched the stars for threats from beyond, he could not ignore the growing threat of Zhystkrexas eating away from the inside. A malignant cancer, spreading his influence out like a disease to one day be the death of the universe, but there was nothing that could be done to the parasitic Essential. He was just as crucial to the survival of all that was as he was as crucial to the destruction of it. Even Lorin had no certainty on the means to eliminate the Corrupter, and only knew the certainty that Zhystkrexas was the necessary evil. The other Essentials took their seats, or at least the proxy who was a man amongst giants. The Interpreter who made the thoughts of the the Stone known, was he as incorruptible as his master? Was it the god or the writer of his word that spoke the words of gods? And of course there was the River, predictably unpredictable, of little worry to the one who held the court like the apple in his palm. "I believe enough of us Essentials have arrived to preside over this Assembly. Those of us who can spare the hours in abandoning our function... Hence we shall begin and the others who come late shall have their voices drowned in their own choices made." The announcement made by the self-appointed arbiter. Who would had the audacity to object? Long since had Zhystkrexas govern the gatherings, holding the keys to many lesser gods vying to take a place in the Pantheon. One such among them tried to best him, yes, there was the wretch coming in with the dog. His lesson learned no doubt of accepting a deal to challenge Zhystkrexas, the mortal life warped the god both physically and mentally no less. His suffering granted him nothing but humiliation and loss, nothing to be gained but the jeer of Zhystkrexas who denied him the seat from the cycle prior. But now the Essential needed a patsy to be used in the delegations of these precious seats. Cerpen would be the perfect sacrifice. "I open the floor for nominations to the seat of Pantheon. First I, Zhystkrexas, nominate she who is already seated: Silacetus. Next, I, Zhystkrexas, offer to nominate Gudaboa the Seeker... should he accept the role of guiding the mortals grow in knowledge... Finally, I Zhystkrexas, shall nominate... Cerpen as Head of the Pantheon, per our wager... I shall honor the spirit of the bargain... Who desires to voice their... Rejections of my proposals?" Ah yes, either way he wins. Silacetus was truly the only one he needed within the pantheon. And Gudaboa, well, the dog may find the motives of Zhystkrexas suspicious enough to doubt his own nomination. And Cerpen was a political move, one that would incite the Assembly to object surely as what pantheon could be lead by such a slobbering buffoon? The despot was the wriggling worm set to bait the lure, all that mattered now was who would bite him first?