[color=goldenrod]"You might be the strongest but [b]I am the fastest![/b]"[/color] chirped up Justice Goldenrod hearing the boastful declaration of Justice Bloom. Goldenrod gasped a bit noticing how far the barbed spike had gone-through. Stumbling upwards, due to a myriad factors such as the bloodloss from removing that spike, the fact her costume had roller-blades and [i]whatever[/i] was in that spike, she eventually emerged from behind the trash-can! Flailing her arms from side to side, [color=goldenrod]"Eeeee[b]wwooooa-[/b]"[/color] Justice Goldenrod squealed out as she found herself skating a bit off balance on the side walk. With a brief moment of thinking about [i]why[/i] she wanted to have roller-skates, Justice Goldenrod found her traction. [color=goldenrod]"Let me shoot from the heart~ YEAH!"[/color] declared Justice Goldenrod as she pulled out her twin guns and performed a quick pose. This wasn't cop business, this was [b]magical girl[/b] business so she could afford to be more stylish and 'quippy' here! With that said she rollerbladed down the side-walk as she began firing blasts of yellow hearts from both guns at the dragon-fly monster.