(Once again, so sorry for the delay. With baby cutting teeth and my job getting crazy busy, I am some times unable to even get on my comp) He had asked a question, and she had answered, her head nodded vigorously, shaking some of her curls into her face. "It would be great if you could help!" "Then Rook help." He said, nodding once in return. "He's not," Celeste sighed dramatically, feeling close to tears. "I've been by his place twice today, once this morning, and then just now, and both times he didn't answer the door. His brahmin is gone, too." She reached up and rubbed her brow, causing her bosom to shake just slightly. "I didn't know he wanted to look for scrap or nothin'...where do you think he went? How long should it take?" She sniffed. "I'm a bit worried! There's some bad things out there, you know? Scary things -- and not just deathclaws. Oh!" she hopped, interrupting herself, "what if he's hurt, somewhere? How would we know?" "Ok, ok ok. Calm down. Rook knows what it is like for people to leave, but none just randomly walk away from Rook. There is reason. You say he took Brahmin. Maybe he find something, something important. Something he can't lift on own, but needs the help of Brahmin. No sense in thinking the worst until find out for sure." He reached up, placing a hand upon the top of her head, as if patting her to try to make her relax like someone would do with a cat. "Assuming worst is how worst happens. Always try to think happy, it has helped Rook for most of his life." Celeste shuddered, her face becoming quite pale in her worry. "Rook, what do we do?" "Rook will help you find him. First thing is first. We follow him..." Rook said, reaching inside his home and grabbing one the pistol he had carried with him for protection, though he didn't need it. "But we need things. Take pistol, go get water for you, and any armor you might wear. Rook needs a few moments to get his armor back on. Also, go to doctorman. Ask if we can buy medical things in case he is hurt." He would then offer her the caps he had. It wasn't much, but it should be enough for at least a basic kit. "Then meet me back at Adam's home."