"Well, seeing as classes are over..." Kikkawa muttered to himself, as he reached down for his belt. He grabbed the stylish trilby hat clipped to his belt, even flipping it into his hand before gently placing it on his head. He rubbed his finger across the brim to ensure that the hat was straightened properly, "...much better." the school didn't really like him wearing his hat during class, but classes were over for the day so as far as Sousuke Kikkawa was concerned, that meant he no longer had to adhere to the dress code. "Oh, right... guess I should put the finishing touches on [i]that[/i], shouldn't I?" he reached down again, this time for the portable Gunpla case carrier on the opposite side of his belt. He opened the leather flap and pulled a Gunpla model from the case. He then grabbed the portable polishing kit from his book bag and went to work, right there at his desk. Classes were over so surely no one would mind. After a few brush strokes, Sousuke put the kit down and then admired his work a bit, "...hmph, there, now no one can say I can't build a Gunpla." in his hands was... a completely and utterly standard SD Master Gundam model. It had no distinctive qualities to it whatsoever. The quality of the build was completely, utterly, average... at best. In fact Sousuke literally just followed the instructions and nothing more. "Pfft, like extra polish and coats of paint are really gonna change how it battles..." Sousuke was a practical thinker. In his mind it was purely the parts and weapons that determined the battling capability of the Gunpla. Flashy paint jobs, extra polish, that was all flash and no substance. That was how the actual Mobile Suits worked too, right? Sousuke hadn't ever actually sat down and watched through any of the anime. Box art descriptions told him all he needed to know. Besides, there was just too damn many series and nobody ever seemed to be able to give a straight answer on what was important and what was skippable. And Sousuke sure as hell wasn't going to sit through absolutely all the Gundam anime, he had way more important things to do with his free time. Like earning his next payout for example. Speaking of which, Sousuke's thoughts were interrupted when some loud guy burst through the door and shouted something about Sousuke's whereabouts. Sousuke just cocked an eyebrow, "Um... I'm Sousuke Kikkawa?" he said, probably against his better judgement. The guy looked and was acting pretty odd, and how could Sousuke possibly keep up his coolness by associating with a weirdo for too long?