[center][IMG]https://em.wattpad.com/f83da0ac1f827cbc9f13133cece9fcc85de2664e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f307978643942684c6b79435533773d3d2d3237343432313833312e313461373462373536626134623364313134323739373631353534342e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/IMG] [IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180305/1f3a03a35f15f58977b89d22d5d0aeba.png[/IMG][/center][hr] Nathan stared down into his eggs he had cooked for himself for breakfast on his graduation day. His father had already left for work at the Content community college, and he didn't even mention anything about his sons graduation. Not that Nathan and his father had been close for a very long time but Nathan though his dad would at least remember his only sons high school graduation. He finished up and put his plate in the dishwasher, just as he closed the machine and put it on his sister walked out in to the kitchen with a huge smile. [i][b]“Hey there grad!”[/b][/i] she chirped, Nathan smiled back at her [color=BF5B22]“Hey, are nana and pop driving you there or are you riding with me?”[/color] he asked as he packed his backpack with the stuff he would need later for Avery's party. [b][i]“I'll ride with gran, or else I'll need to hang out with you and your dopey friends!”[/i][/b] Addison chuckled and stuck her tongue out, there was a quiet pause [i][b]“Did you... talk to dad?”[/b][/i] she asked quietly. [color=BF5B22]“Nope. He didn't have the time this morning I guess!”[/color] Nate tried to keep his voice level in front of his sister. [i][b]“I can't believe you're leaving me here with that asshole for the whole summer...”[/b][/i] she sat down at the kitchen table and crossed her arms staring at him. Nathan sighed and sat down across from his sister, [color=BF5B22]“I'm sorry, but I just need to get out of this town, out of this house and out of this...life. And besides I thought you didn't want to hang out with me and my dopey friends?”[/color] Nathan gave his sister a playful punch on the arm to try and lighten the mood. He stood up and grabbed his gown that was hanging on his bedroom door, he checked his watch [color=BF5B22]“Woah, I need to go!”[/color] he exclaimed. He gave Addison a quick kiss on the head as he bounded out of the house, he fumbled for his keys to his old boxy Volvo v40. He threw all of his stuff in the back seat and got in and started his last drive towards Content high. As he drove through the town that he had grown to resent he felt weird in a way, almost emotional. Tomorrow he and his friends would be on the road in a buss that he and his friends had spent most of their senior year working on towards a festival across the country, and Nate couldn't be more ready. He had been a bit hesitant to coming a long but Sam and Sammi had talked him into it with the argument [i]“We can't make this trip with out the entire trifecta going!”[/i] which was true it had been Sam, Sammi and Nate since almost the start of freshman year and it wouldn't feel right not to be together for a last adventure. What Nathan hadn't told his friends yet was that he probably wouldn't be the bus on their way back. The gym was filling up with his fellow seniors as Nathan entered, he scanned the seats to try to find his friends and spotted the jet black hair of Sam. He took a seat next to him and put an arm around his best friends shoulder. [color=BF5B22]“Finally... it's over.”[/color] Nathan sighed, [color=334E7A]"This is it,"[/color] Sam said, Nathan nodded in agreement. [color=334E7A]"By this time tomorrow, we'll be on the road.".[/color] Nathan looked at his friend [color=BF5B22]“Did we figure out when we're leaving? Cause this party is probably be going for a long time.”[/color] he mused. [hr][hr] The ceremony went by faster than Nathan had thought which was a relief after a few pictures with his friends. He finally found his sister and grandparents and took a few with them as well. His grandparents had made a reservation at one of Nathans favorite restaurants and they had a real nice dinner, with an empty chair at the end of the table. When the dinner was done Nathan hugged his family goodbye and hopped back in to his car and started his drive over to Avery's house. He parked behind all of the other cars outside of Avery's gigantic house where the party was already in motion. You could hear the music pumping even before you'd reached the front door. As Nate entered the house it almost fell like he was hit by some sort of force. It was hot, loud and pretty uncomfortable, Nathan pushed his way through the small groups of people crowded around the house. When he finally got to the kitchen he found Avery [color=BF5B22]“Hey man! Thanks for throwing this thing!”[/color] Nathan motioned around at nothing in particular. [i][b]“Eeey Nate! Saaah brah! No problem man, we need to celebrate getting out of that prison right?!”[/b][/i] Nathan laughed and agreed with him, Avery told him to get a drink and left to tend to the beer pong table. Nathan grabbed a beer from a bucket on the counter and headed for the outside patio, he sat down on a couch and took a swig from his beer as he waited for his friends.