The dinner itself was pleasant enough for the occasion, Matthew and Malu even floating among groups of students to not only comfort, but to tell rather funny stories about the image Voldon projected versus the one that was a bit less gruff, including a story about getting bearhugged by a Wookie on Nar Shaddaa. This was one that Yerbol would HAVE to ask about later, seeing as NONE of the Elders bothered mentioning this. Matt was the one who actually saw the incident, but the Champion could only assume that it was shared among the group of leaders with Voldon sitting there as grim as ever and Matt with the largest grin on his face. It struck him then that Matt and Voldon probably had the longest standing relationship between any of the Elders, seeing as both mentioned multiple times their combined efforts in several different instances and Voldon seemed to listen to Matt more than the others when things got heated in discussions that Yerbol and Aria were present at(Kira excluded). The Champion filed the observation away, deciding to talk to Matt about his relationship with the former Battlemaster later, instead focusing on the event at hand; after all, he was well aware that most would not just be watching the Elders, but the two Champions as well. It was odd feeling like his every action was scrutinized, every word potentially parsed for information about the inner workings of the Qyaari, but he supposed that when one had saved the galaxy as many times as they had, it was rather easy to be lifting up to almost celebrity status. Even he and Aria's WEDDING was broadcasted to the whole bloody Holonet as a "symbol of progress for all Force users". Not to say he wasn't grateful for the progress they had made(not to mention the little lady who went to bed with him every night), but to be so...publicily important was off-putting. He wondered how the Elders managed to make it all look so effortless. Maybe that was a class they missed at their former academies: how to not feel OR look like galactic pressure was weighing on you 101. "Are you alright, Champion?" A Selkath Alliance diplomat who sat next to him inquired politely, the alien's normally narrow eyes even more narrow than normal. "Yes...yes, my apologies, Ambassador. My mind was on...well, seemingly another planet." ___ When the dinner concluded and guests were in the process of leaving the hall(which was being tidied up by a combination of students and hired on help), Yerbol and Aria managed to sneak away up to their quarters where the former stripped himself of formal attire and faceplanted sloppily into their bed. After a few minutes, he could feel prodding in his side, the Champion finding his wife inquisitvely staring at him. "So you picked up on what I was thinking during the ceremony, huh?" Yerbol explained his sentiments as best he could, telling Aria about the nagging feeling that Saresh was hiding something from them, that there was an almost ominious aura radiating from her. His wife offered some reassurances that made sense rationally, but didn't dispel his emotions entirely. When she mentioned keeping an eye on her, Yerbol nodded in agreement. "I'd like to be wrong and just chalk this up to whatever...well, whatever I've been dealing with since Voss, but something just isn't sitting right with me." He placed a hand on Aria's arm, smiling as he continued: "But let's not worry about that for right now, eh? I just want to lay here with you and sleep in. Remember when we could do that? You know, that one week in our entire relationship? I'm REALLY looking forward to not waking up with an alarm or a direct summons." A pleased sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes just for a moment, just to rela- _____ Their holocomm unit buzzed obnoxiously, Yerbol suppressing the urge to throw said unit across the room and turn over, but the Champion knew that whatever was beckoning them out of slumber MUST have been important...somehow. Right? It had to be. He groaned, slamming the "receive" button on the device as he asked groggily: "Who's asking for us this time?" "I think we ought to see about demoting you if you're going to use this tone with me." Malu had lost some of her Imperial accent, but at times it shone through, lacing her voice with a kind of authority that would make any sit up a bit straighter. Thankfully there was a comedic lilt in her voice or Yerbol would have thought twice about ever sassing the former Lord ever again. Before Yerbol could respond, she added: "We need you both in Chambers as soon as possible. There have been some developments that require your attention." Developments? ____ The duo walked into the familiar meeting room and would have took their normal places in seats that were stationed near the center of the room that faced the middle of the semi-circle of seats the Elders sat in, but those seats were currently occupied. "Good. Come alongside these two." Matt motioned for the Champions to come forward, Yerbol finding himself next to Kin, one of the trainers they had met before their deployment to Voss. His visage was a bit more solemn than their first meeting, but he looked up at the Champion with a sparkle that was unmistakably reflective of his regular personality. Next to him was Paix, Kin's partner both in training and(he assumed) romance based on their initial encounter. "We brought Kin and Paix to put forth their final recommendations for something that we as a Council have been discussing for quite some time." The trainers stood up as Matt continued: "This next missive that you both will be taking on might prove to be a fantastic learning opportunity for not only you, but Knights as well." "Knights?" "Indeed." Malu chimed in, leaning forward in her chair, elbows on her knees, one hand supporting her chin. "Kin, Paix and Waylon have enough combined experience to provide more advanced training for Knights that have been identified by their instructors as having significant potential for the rank of Champion." Yerbol chuckled slightly. "So you weren't kidding about the demotion?" "Quite the opposite, my dears. We're not getting any younger and Voldon's passing made us all realize that there needed to be a succession plan in order for the Qyaari to continue to progress." "What...what are you saying?" "Don't worry, Yerbol: we're not going anywhere anytime soon, but some of us have come to terms with the reality of our current existence. We're short-staffed at the highest ranks of leadership. Acolytes, Apprentices and Knights are all fantastic, but we have our only two Champions taking on a workload that's unsustainable over time. We need more manpower and we are now going to start to build it through you two. From here on out, you will both be assigned an apprentice who has already been ordained the title of Knight and has shown exemplary leadership in both the field and the classroom." "The two we recommend are going to blow you away. Trust me." Kin glanced at the Champions with a smirk as Paix added: "They're ready. These two have shown their ability to rise to the rank of Champion, given that our initial Champions groom them willingly." A moment of silence passed before Yerbol offered: "This is a massive responsibility that I'm...honestly, I don't know what to say." "You don't have to say anything as of yet. Kin, Paix, please leave us." "Of course." Upon the duo's exit, Matthew spoke: "You both are ready for this, have been ready for this. You two have spearheaded our efforts to make the galaxy a harmonious and peaceful place for all sentient life to call home. You might be young, but as we have all seen, youth sometimes doesn't equate to level of wisdom. Your experiences have created a kind of unshakable trust within all of us." He paused, then added: "Do understand, however, that are you are now responsible for the training, development and overall success of another Force user. They will depend on you for guidance, leadership, wisdom and safety as they develop. It is a heavy responsibility, but we all believe you can bear it proudly." He motioned to the other Elders, giving them the opportunity to speak before he concluded: "As you can see, we believe in you both. Stay true to your ideals and you'll do just fine. Ready to meet them?" Yerbol gulped down a ball of anxiety forming in his throat as he nodded, the door to the Council chambers sliding open to reveal two figures, one of whom was a auburn-haired, hazel eyed young man whose build was almost like Yerbol's except his shoulders and waist were broader. His crimson red, floor length robe glided across the floor as he walked alongside Yerbol, glancing at the Champion with an unreadable emotion before he turned his attention to the Elders. "This is Ethan Pewsaa. He was a part of the first group of youngsters trained at the Academy and proved himself worthy of the title of Knight. Ethan has run several operations for us on Taris, Coruscant and even Nal Hutta. In short, he's a proven asset." The young man's cheeks blushed slightly. "Thank you, Elder Carnagie. It's an honor." "Indeed it is, to be trained underneath Yerbol Massani, Champion of the Qyaari, is an honor that none other have had. Always remember this."