Hi guys, So I have recently been looking around the forums and also spoke with some people via PMs about RP and stuff. And when it came to displaying my character, I didn't have any picture or whatever to show what I am offering. Instead I always just write it down, trying my best to describe how he looks like. I see a lot of people just using a photograph they took from Google or either they somehow someway managed to create a character by animating and designing it by some program or an App. Now, I just don't know how to use Apps like this and I am pretty bad with computers hahaha. So basically what I am asking for is if anyone could help me design/animate my character with their awesome designer App that they use or something? I'd really appreciate the help. It's just that I am going out of my mind about how can I just create a picture of my character. Something which is 3D or looks like a really good drawing.