Well, here goes nothing; [@ScreenAcne], here's my application. [hider=Feh'Orah] [b]Feh'Orah[/b] [b]Domain[/b] N/A [b]Appearence[/b] Feh'Orah has one form, choosing to abandon his past form of a large humanoid of nine foot - with long arms and a slender figure. This appearance is devoid of fine features, the face being a flat surface and nothing more. The skin is a translucent white, while yellow glints flow around from within - with no organs or innards apparent or visible. Once seeing humanity and how it dominated the continents, developed farther than all the other creatures, Orah took interest in these creations and later formed his new body to be as them. A six foot being of a man, unshaven and unkempt - long, dark brown hair is tied into strands and dangle behind his ears, his white-skinned complexion stopped only by the clothes on his back, his beard and hair - all the same colour. Blue eyes with glints of yellow are the only sign of the divine from Orah. Clothing changes with the times, matching the common clothing of the current era - maybe a tiger skin or perhaps a peasant's attire. [b]Personality[/b] Fah'Orah is a being of perception, born from the light shine from the white and empty divine realm. He is considerate, willing to listen to the ideas of others before acting - though controversial, he is also willing to listen to the mortals themselves, and how they plan to live and prosper. At times he may be too generous and create boond to gift upon champions, at other times he may be manipulative and use his tongue to sway others to his side... When it comes to the gods and the otherworldly, those seeking to remove freedom as well as risk are unkind in his eyes. Without risk there are no struggles, these shape creations, their progress and their ideals. To remove them would remove the point of creations. [b]Powers List[/b] [u]Silver Tongue (1):[/u] As it is on the tin, Orah can sway a mortal like a leaf floating on water. [u]Physical Illusions (3):[/u] Orah can manipulate light, shaping, recolouring and solidifying it to create projections; objects or creatures that are perceived and feel real. A bridge created within the mortal realm may be walked upon, a bee may sting a curious child or a librarian may read a non-existent book, Orah may also manipulate how others perceive an existing object or person - such as making a castle appear blue or a playing card become a joker. This power is not limited to small objects nor does it affect one person at a time - light is percieved by anyone who can see it. The downsides are that there is no sound, scent, taste or other stimulus created from the illusion. The illusion is only as realistic as the amount of time Orah spends thinking about the "construct" as we'll call it. An illusion only lasts as long as Orah wishes it to, granted it has no conscious and is immobile - constructs such as this may be imbued with a function, such as a crystal may produce light when held or a pebble may not sink below water. Constructs are not bound to change unless it is designed as a function; a knife construct may not break or blunt and a bucket would not rust. Though constructs are unable to provide anything but their function, and would not provide nutrients if consumed or be destroyed if placed on a fire to burn. While Orah concentrates, he can manipulate his constructs to the point of perfect control and for all his power. [b]Stats[/b] [u][b]Mortal Affairs:[/b][/u]   +1 [u][b]Influence:[/b][/u]    -2 [u][b]Power:[/b][/u]      +3 [b]Perks[/b] N/A [b]RELATIONS[/b] - "The lesser god that does not exist is a peculiar one indeed, I could form an opinion of them if I got to know them..." - "The Mother, I don't like her nor her way; she is destructive and without considering others she would trample over homes for her children. There is no doubt that one of her children could manipulate her for their own ends, yet I still respect her. Children from Mother fight against the humans, make them stronger, make them [I]grow.[/I] - "a being of true greed, the Corrupter cares naught for others much like the mother, yet isn't bound by her kindness for her kin nor does he offer value to mankind - he is their downfall from within." - "the Traveler is like me, interested in the humans and the potential they possess. Perhaps we may become friends one day..." - "A youth at heart, Kazo has both their flaws and qualities - able to act kindly when others may not... although this may be his greatest weakness, those undeserving may flourish under his care and spread malice." [/hider]