[@Gardevoiran] You know I like the character and we've been discussing her on Discord, but there's at least one thing that's unclear or otherwise needs to be addressed. For instance, we have this: [quote]Kendall cannot absorb tar that is not specific to her power,[/quote] soon followed up by this: [quote]she can only manipulate her form to fit within the physical limits of her mass [b]unless she has more tar on hand to work with.[/b][/quote] How can she have more tar on hand to work with if she can only use tar made from her body? Either this is some sort of typo or needs to be explained in greater detail. Additionally, there's one important detail in the limitations of her Master ability, which is how the control manifests. Is it psychic? Verbal? Something else? How does she issue commands to those under her thrall? Lastly, history looks good for the most part except for the very end. There's no "full up" on Wards from an in universe position. The limit is a completely arbitrary one chosen by me for storyline and gameplay balance, so you'll need a different reason for not joining hte Wards for the time being. Maybe a corporation approached her and made a decent offer to sponsor her as a hero, or she's scared of the government having so much control of her life, or something else entirely, but it would never be because "we're full up on Wards, check back later." As long as these things are addressed and corrected, you'll be all set. Also, just to be certain, you were dropping Overlook as an NPC to make room for her, right? I'm a bit surprised you didn't want to drop Kyoshi actually, but it's whatever you'd like. [hr] [@LemonZest1337] I'd recommend giving it a thorough proofread, as there are a number of spelling and grammatical errors throughout the entire CS. That said, it's not so bad that I would even consider denying it, just something to watch out for in the future. I notice that she only has two skills, which aren't related to fighting in any way. That's perfectly fine, as her powers more than make up for any lack of skill. I imagine all she ever needs to do is just throw her weight around and clumsily smash stuff. But if she got boxing lessons? Hoo boy, that's when you watch out! Her strength is... Incredible. Quite absurd. However I am ok with it being as it is since it's just raw strength, and no additional abilities like anchoring herself or objects that she's trying to lift. At the end of the day, she is accepted. Just keep in mind that as a Case 53, she doesn't really have access to a "secret identity" or a normal life, her powers put her on the short list for a "kill order," and heads will roll if its discovered that she's the one who broke her husband so thoroughly. Go ahead and bring her on over to the Character tab.