[h2][center][color=E9967A]Heather[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]https://www.dailydot.com/wp-content/uploads/b94/a2/e03763e1be64a077-e1495231272821.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] [center]Location: The Cafe Interacting with: Customers, Kosara [@rivaan] & Abraham [@Nallore][/center] [hr] [color=e9967a]"Thank you very much,"[/color] Heather said pocketing the tip. She appreciated his words of comfort more than the tip, but it would help pay a bill she might not have been able to otherwise. Heather went back to the other customers. When she got a break, she made herself a cup of tea, a calming one with Chamomile. It did help being at work she paid more attention to getting things done than to what her heart ached over. She realized as she sipped her tea that that was what the Walker family must be going through as well. Heather felt a need to do something for them, but the best she could do was make food or tea. Maybe if they needed someone to pull weeds, she could help them in that sort of way. Heather decided that tomorrow she would go to the b&b and offer her help.