[right] [h3][color=c17913][i]Caeleo[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]About to arrive in Lothair[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Talking with everyone[/i] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://puu.sh/yLDeh/140bf878ac.png]Metallic, mechanically intricate.[/url] As tall as a large Naga. [/hider] [/right] [hr] [color=fff200]“Aaaand done!”[/color] Sapphira proudly floated to Tavren’s eye level with the wheel held in both hands. It was about the same size as her, but she didn’t struggle to hold its weight. Tarkus took the wheel and got to work. [color=695fd8]“Give me a hand with this, rocky.”[/color] Igneous dutifully propped up the wagon. It was nothing for him. He felt a strange loyalty towards Tarkus ever since Vulcure put him in his care, but he still couldn’t shake the powerful urge to protect the Crystal of Balance. The sun was just setting in the south as they set off again towards Lothair, this time with greater urgency. Sapphira took her turn driving the wagon. She seemed to jump eagerly at any task given to her. [color=e0115f]“Are fairies always this high energy?”[/color] Igneous thought aloud. The other three passengers turned their attention to Sapphira, who was happily riding on the back of the horse with her hands tangled in its mane, humming a short tune. [color=40ceb6]“They’re a quarter of our size with just as much energy. If you think she’s a handful, you should see Tarver.”[/color] [color=695fd8]“Sounds like a headache.”[/color] [color=40ceb6]“For [i]you[/i]. The port is quite popular amongst tourists. The high energy atmosphere is an experience like no other. Sleeping in a crystal bed after a long day is paradise…”[/color] Ivory trailed off, lost in a nostalgic thought. [color=c17913]“Fae weren’t always like this, you know.”[/color] Attention shifted to Caeleo. [color=c17913]“They lived with us in the void and The Sky.”[/color] Ivory’s curiosity wrested her from her nostalgia, [color=40ceb6]“What changed?”[/color] [color=c17913]“Everyone became interested in Y’vera after Cynthia and Elk arrived, and that included the Fae. The Fae acted as a collective, selectively evolving the species in order to harness more flux. They weren’t entirely original, though. Many of their ideas came from observing the work of Gods. There were even groups that broke away, trying to imitate the Gods themselves. The Fae that live here on Y’vera had been observing mortals. As they strove to copy them, they also strove to perfect them. Some Gods and Nebula say that Fae are the perfect humanoid.”[/color] [color=40ceb6]“How did they become mortal?”[/color] [color=c17913]“They imitated the process the Gods used to reincarnate, killing themselves. They reincarnate not as a single progenitor of the Fae species, but instead as hundreds of Fae, establishing the port city Tarver quickly as an economic power.”[/color] [color=695fd8]"You sure know a lot about our world despite being here for less than a week."[/color] [color=c17913]"It was my job, well, our job, to learn about and document your histories."[/color]