"D-Damage?" Sousuke snatched the Master Gundam off the desk and hurriedly, "W-Where? I just finished it, how's it damaged?" it hadn't actually occurred to Sousuke that his build just plain sucked. But wait, why was this 2nd Year guy so interested in his Master Gundam? Sousuke's shoulders slumped with the realization. He was about to be invited into yet another Club was he? There really was no point, since he could have to move again and thus leave the club behind. Still, he needed a payout of some kind, so maybe... "Gunpla Club, right?" he asked, then quickly slid the Master Gundam back into the carry case, "Show me your Club, I wanna see it for myself." if the 2nd Year was serious, he'd have no problem giving Sousuke the quick tour. But Sousuke wasn't about to make any commitments before even seeing the club first. That would just be foolish. He picked his book bag up off the floor at his feet and slung it over his shoulder, "We're going, right? Well, lead the way."