Pojo like this town very much. Is good town. Good chicken to chase. Tot is stupid. Tot copy Pojo, also chase chicken. Tot should leave Pojo alone, Pojo saw chicken first. Wait, why bell stop ringing? Beedo and Vark bored so soon? Maybe tired, maybe making big friend dog angry. Make big friend dog howl. Wait, why Tot not chasing chicken? Why Tot staring at middle of goblin town? "Eep!" Pojo declared, upon seeing strange big folk stomping around goblin town, killing goblin dog friend, probably stealing all goblins things. Now is time to be brave, time to show big folk that goblin town is not big folk town. Tot copy Pojo again with bow, but it okay. We both fire arrow at turtle-shaped big folk. Pojo hits shell but no blood. Tot copy Pojo. Jerk. [hider=Actions] A pair of goblins show up at the fenced-off area just North of the most North-Eastern building in the town square. They both fire at Tortetart with short bows, but cannot pierce his mighty shell. [/hider] [hr] Why is racket not racket anymore? Why do dog friends make so much noise now that noise is gone? Why- INVADERS! From where Jilk stood in a nearby building, filling sack with new belongings, Jilk could see invaders who had clearly come to steal all his stuff. Stepping up to broken window, he fire arrow at tall man with bow. Good shot, make him bleed. Next shot he dead for good. Time to hide! [hider=My Hider] From the building South and slightly east of the main road leading out of the town square, a goblin head pops briefly into the window, long enough to put an arrow in Marcon before ducking out of sight. [/hider] [@Ynnek7]