[hr] [center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png[/img] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjY2OTFmZi5UV2x1TFVwMWJpQkNZV1ZyLjAA/attic.regular.png [/img][/center] [sub] [@Surtr Inc] [/sub] [code]By the Campfire, Campsite[/code] [hr] “I don’t know why I let you convince me to come here,” Min-Jun mumbled with a very bored frown. Tuyen had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Because I thought it would be fun. You can let loose or something!” The two had been sitting around the campfire for a while now. Tuyen enjoyed the slight warmth whereas Min sat stiffly. The stuck up air he had to him certainly wasn’t encourage anyone to talk to him. Tuyen had hoped that by bringing along her cousin he’d let loose and make some friends, or something. He was sorely lacking those. She liked him – but not enough that she wanted to be his only friend. It hadn’t ended how she’d hoped, however, just resulting in him sticking to her and stopping her from enjoying herself. Ah well, no point in being down about it. “I would rather be at home working.” This time Tuyen did roll her eyes. Okay, so maybe part of the reason she’d come on this trip was to get more ideas for writing. And for the chance to see all sorts of wildlife (she was definitely going on a walk to do that at some point). But that wasn’t the same! She was also here to socialise. “There’s more to life than working,” Tuyen nudged her cousin slightly. “You’re not going to find a girl or anything just working. I know Aunt and Uncle want you to get married sooner rather than later.” “I’m not planning on taking relationship advice from you, Tuyen.” Min’s blunt response would have offended her if she didn’t know him as well as she did. Though she didn’t like the dig there. She just hoped she could prevent any kind of fights between a certain two individuals. “Suit yourself,” Tuyan shrugged. “But I’m going to enjoy myself and go socialise. Feel free to join me, or not.” With that she stood up from where they were sitting and moved around the campfire. Min just watched her with a frown before pulling out his phone and engrossing himself in that. It wasn’t that he disliked the people here (just thought he was above them), but rather that he didn’t want to annoy his cousin by cramping her style. At least that was his excuse. Tuyen, on the other hand, approached where Britney and that were. She gave a small wave before sitting down next to them – early enough to catch the tail end of their conversation. She raised an eyebrow and peered round at Zoey and Claire. “Oh, is that alcohol you get there?” She couldn’t quite read the label. “Mind if I have a bit?” She wasn’t normally a drinker, just did it on the occasion, but she figured it couldn’t hurt. And it would make it a bit easier to relax.