[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b]When In Doubt, Go to the Library![/b][/i][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.org/i2pzbmnv3/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] As Seraphina slowly searched around the aisle of book shelves that she was looking up and down under, she drapped the Kumatock cloak over her shoulder, she was surprised that the kumatock had been fairly quiet since leaving the circus. She paused for a moment before kneeling down at the bottom shelf seeing a book that looked rather interesting and then slowly started to pull it out. It was the Poetic Edda, she slowly opened it up and started looking through the pages finding anything that mentioned Hel. Which it looked like there was closing it up Seraphina started to make her way over towards the closest table and started to open up the book, looking over towards the others. [color=lightblue]"I may have found something useful for you all."[/color] Seraphina called out to the others that were there in the library. Lilith walked over to the woman and took a look at the book. It seemed supernatural, but she didn't understand anything about it. It worked for her though. Maybe Folly or Fairfax had a better idea because, as it stood, she had no clue what to do with any of this information. She felt useless even though she knew if she hadn't gotten what information she had, they would be stuck looking somewhere else. Thalia was looking through the books, she heard Seraphina call out about the new book. She started to head over to look, when her head started to hurt. It was almost as bad as when time went out of whack, so she knew this involved time or something. A figure appeared in front of her, a girl. No one else seemed to see her, and once again it was something that only she could see or whatever. She had never seen this girl before in her life, but apparently the girl knew who she was. Her name, something about Pathfind or something, but she was cut off, disappearing almost as quickly as she had appeared. She told her that she needed to do something, but she hadn't gotten the chance to finish it. [color=silver]"What was that?"[/color] she said, before brushing it off as another hallucination. She really need to see a shrink when this was all over. [color=silver]"What did you find?"[/color] she asked as she reached where Seraphina was with the book. Fairfax moved quickly over to the others, abandoning his own search. His eyes lit up slightly as he recognized the title. Although he wasn't familiar with that exact translation, he knew what the [i]Poetic Edda[/i] was -- it was about the best known collection of Norse mythology in existence. "That's a remarkable find," Fairfax praised, seemingly putting aside his anger and frustration with Seraphina for the moment. "I wonder, Seraphina, did you happen to find the companion to that book as well? The [i]Prose Edda[/i]?" Folly, meanwhile, had remained where she was. She was seemingly transfixed as she stared at a shelf filled with books in various states of tatter and wear. Her eyes had a distant quality to them, as if she had become isolated from the entire world. She reached her hand out slowly, touching the spine of the books, yet even her sense of touch appeared to have been dulled. Her hand was drenched in blood and her lips trembled, before widening into a smile. She jolted back to reality as her hand brushed the books on the shelves, the blood vanishing and leaving her trembling. Her eyes were wide with terror and horror. "So this is how the madness starts..." Folly whispered to herself. Seraphina looked towards Fairfax for a moment as well as the others as they started to come over to see what she had found, she wasn't fully familiar with the book itself but Fairfax seemed to know it instantly. Putting aside their differences for now, they still needed to make it back to their own time at some point. [color=lightblue]"I haven't yet, but i'll look for the sister book for it. It seems that you know what it is i'll try and look for it's sister book."[/color] Seraphina said as she turned off and headed towards the aisle that she found The Poetic Edda. A few seconds of searching she was surprised to find the Prose Edda there, however she couldn't read Norse herself but she could tell it was the second in the set. She came back a few seconds later as she gently laid the book down on the table next to its sister book looking towards Fairfax. [color=lightblue]"Anything about Hel in either of these, any hint we can destroy her?"[/color] Seraphina asked. Lilith walked over to check out the book, but she had no clue how to read it to find out any information. [color=D59AC2]"I have no clue. If I can be of any help finding things, let me know, otherwise I'm going to let the experts handle this."[/color] She glanced over at Folly, who seemed to be in another world. She was worried about her, but they needed to get this sorted out first. They were all in danger at the moment, other troubles would have to wait. Fairfax shook his head. While he had some familiarity with these books, he didn't speak any variation of Old Norse. "I'm not sure that I could be called an expert, exactly..." Fairfax admitted. The book could have been in Greek and he wouldn't have known the difference. He scratched his chin, thinking for a moment. "Say, Amiyra has mentioned this invention you all have...The...Internet? Do you think it might be able to offer a translation?" Fairfax asked earnestly. Thalia could understand someone not knowing what to look for, her mind had automatically gone to the mythology section, because that made sense. She was about to say something, when her back started hurting, and she fell to her knees and let out a scream. She felt a heavy weight on her back and shoulders as the pain continued. There wasn't anything she could think of to make it stop, but it wasn't until she heard books falling onto the floor than she looked to see what was there. On her back, there was a pair of leathery wings, silver in color, and they reminded her of dragon wings from a fantasy story. She started freaking out, and the wings seemed to respond to it, extending themselves and knocking more books off of the shelves. Her mind started racing, thinking back to the circus tent, right before the time jumping and right when all hell started to break loose. That man, Faust, he had called her something else, what was it? She couldn't remember what he had called her, but he had told her that she wasn't human or something. She was panicking, and her back was still hurting, a lot. [color=silver]"What the hell is going on,"[/color] she managed to say, between winces of pain. Fairfax jumped back, just narrowly missing getting swiped by Thalia's new pair of wings. He had never seen anything like it before in his life - but the same could be said for a lot of events that had occurred that day. His heart was pounding with a bit of fear and he tried to consciously calm himself, but it wasn't helping. He was in shock - plain and simple. It wasn't every day that he watched someone sprout a pair of wings. Folly's vision went dark as she heard Thalia scream, the entire world becoming distant once more. But rather than being trapped in her own mind, she found she could move this time. She took a step forward, noting this feeling of weightlessness that had consumed her. In front of her, there seemed to be whispers - as if she could see the shape of sound in the air. Something tugged at her and she kept on walking, eventually reaching her hand out to grasp it. "Dai? Kai jas? Kai sannas?" Folly said, speaking fluent angloromani. She closed her hand, only to jolt back to reality once more. Her hands were gripping Lilith's throat as Folly choked her.