Roadhog was astonished when Junkrat asked for his name. And a bit disappointed. He thought that everyone in the Outback knew about the Roadhog, the scariest bounty hunter in all of Australia. Maybe it was another sign that he was either getting old or killing too many people. He looked at Junkrat and coldly replied, "Roadhog." Another look around at his bike didn't reveal any noticeable scratches. Then, he glanced at the sidecar. A gift for the Queen. It was a long story that he didn't felt like reliving especially with her betrayal. Roadhog was still angry and confused. He thought that they had at least a professional work relationship, but he guessed wrong. [i]That's what I get for trusting others so easily[/i]. In fact, he hasn’t felt like this since. Roadhog stopped himself before bringing up the past and got on his bike as Junkrat jumped into the sidecar. He didn't like driving in the night, but there wasn't any other choice in the matter. After starting up the bike, he started to head north for a bit until Junkrat told him to turn left. As Roadhog was driving to the location of the treasure, he couldn't bring himself to stop guessing what it was. Either it was worth a shit-ton of money or it was nothing of value. If it turned that it was nothing more than a shiny cellphone, Roadhog would kill Junkrat. In any case, he was going to find out. However, Roadhog was starting to get sleepy behind the handles of his motorcycle. He wanted to stop and rest, but he also knew that the treasure could be nearby. Once they found the spot, then he could sleep. Until then, he needed some way to stay awake. Then, he looked at Junkrat and found his solution. “What makes this 'treasure' so special that you had to brag about it?” he asked.