"W-wait please hear me out!" He said but it was to late, He had already left. "D-damn not again." Nanashi said with comedic tears. Before he could sulk anymore, his phone rang showing Mika was calling him. "*Sniff sniff*, hello?" "Oi senpai, you convince the guy or not?" Mika's voice said from the other end. "No, he left after I said we weren't an official club yet so he decided not to." Nanashi said with a sigh. "Ugh, no way. Well whatever, hey we still going to the arcade for some practice?" "Oh yeah, I'll meet you there." He said with a sigh before hanging up. "Well, thats another day with unsuccessful recruitment. Well whatever! I'll just cheer myself up by making a new Gunpla!" He said with a chuckle before leaving for the arcade. "I wonder if they're selling any new Gunpla." /// [u][b]Upgrade Arcade[/b][/u] Upgrade arcade, an arcade near the train station that has a gunpla battle terminal in the back and sells Gunpla models for a discounted price, but limited selection. The battle system is free for everyone and anyone to use, well usually anyways. Today ... "Hey, you guys are hogging up the battle system!!! You guys don't need to use all three, theres only three of you!" A middle school boy yelled at a group of highschoolers. One of them, a yankee looking boy, stepped up to him intimidatingly. "You want a turn? Fine, you can play if you guys can beat us! The Tiger Gang!" He said turning around and pointing his thumbs at the tiger design on his jacket. The middleschooler recoiled a bit, unsure of what to do. "T-thats no fair! You guys are way better then us!!" He complained. "Well then I guess you can just run off then pipsqueak." The Yankee boy said laughing.