Mika stood in the arcade on her phone, checking her emails until all of a sudden she saw the tiger gang messing around. “Ugh, these guys.” She said before seeing Nanashi enter the arcade. “Yo senpai!” “Yello!” Nanashi said with a pep. “Hey Senpai, those tiger guys are back. I think today we should finally teach them a lesson shouldn't we?” She said with a smirk. Nanashi shrugged “I don't know I think tha-” he started but paused. “Hey that's him!” He said pointing at Sousuke, holding the SD Master Gundam in hand. Mika looked and sighed. “He's gonna have to fight those guys.” She said “He's going to lose.” Nanashi declared. Turning around and heading to the shopping part of the Arcade. “Yo boss, I need a gunpla set stat!” He said to the clerk. “Which one kid?” He asked showing the selection they had this week. An Exia Gundam. A Victory Gundam. And a Zaku. “Give me the Zaku and Victory!” He said grabbing the two boxes. “Ehh senpai why are you building new Gunpla right now?” Miku asked. “Because the strike isn't ready for battle right now and we gotta help him before he gets destroyed!” “But there battle starts in like, 5 minutes.” Nanashi chuckled, “I can build it in 4, 2 and a half for each.” Then in the blink of an eye began already finishing the clipping of the parts. Nanashi expertly connected and paired all the parts without missing a beat and finished the two Gunpla. “There, take this!” He said placing it in her hand. They both entered the room just in time to see the SD get destroyed by the the Zam. Nanashi stepped up, putting down his terminal and Mika doing the same. “Origin Zaku Warrior!!! Execute!!!” “Victory Angel Gundam! Fly!!!” Mika said