“Alright!” Nanashi cheered as the field started to disintegrate leaving only the plastic models in the center, the Victory and Zaku mostly unharmed and the Crossbone Joker with not even a spec of dust. “N-no way, the Tiger Zam got destroyed.” The yankee said in anger. “Dammit you cheated I demand a rematch!!!” Before anyone could argue however, the door to the battle area bursts open revealing the clerk that sold them the Victory and Zaku Warrior. A big man a head taller than all in the room.“Oi Tora!!” “Its Tiger!!” The Yankee yelled “Don’t care, you guys made a deal, they won. So get the FUCK. OUT.” He said just loud enough so everyone can hear, everyone feeling a bit of fear from his voice. The three hooligans all shivered before quickly running out of the shop. Nanashi smirked. “Thanks Boss!” He said in a sing song voice. ‘Whatever.’ The clerk said before heading back to the front. The room, now empty of everyone except the high schoolers, quiet. Nanashi, still smirking from their win over the hooligans, turns to Sousuke. “So? Whatcha think of the club?” He asked.