[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Two[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/sqMVLcmhuRyg0/giphy.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] Two started to follow behind Jakob and the others over towards the medical room of the base that they were in, she started to make her way into the room. Once there she started to head over towards the nearest cabinet as her eyes scanned high and low, there weren't any medical supplies in there. Or anything useful about their past either, letting out a slight annoyed groan before slamming it shut, Two then looked over towards Seven and Nine for a moment as they asked questions about him, and if there were any medical supplies on the men that had tried to kill them. [color=cyan]"Is there anything about the outside world and whats been going on?"[/color] Two asked as she moved over towards a nearby wall and started to lean herself up against it. Crossing her arms Two continued to eye the soldiers there as well, she really didn't like the look of them but so far the man who was answering their questions so far hasn't attacked them yet which was probably a good thing so far.