[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yICuhDr.png[/img][/center] Eilidh was enjoying the friendly and serene atmosphere of the shrine town, on contrast to everywhere else that she had travelled recently. Just once, she could maybe travel somewhere without getting into a fight or things blowing up. The two were approached by a beautiful winged creature. It was odd, Eilidh noted, that none of the Monster Girls here struck her as the combative type. That was probably they needed outside help to deal with bandits. [color=9B1436]"Yes, we are part of the Guild. And yes, I know of Arletta. And if you ask me, acting in her interest is a kind thing. Let us get to work."[/color] [@PaulHaynek][@13org] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zwxKiN.png[/img][/center] [color=edd902]"Alright,"[/color] Rebecca responded. [color=edd902]"I hope she will be there waiting for me. I have a feeling I shall need her assistance."[/color] --- When Rebecca reached the swamp, she had to put her handkerchief to her nose. Unfortunately, that only kept the smell out. The entire place felt unholy. There were Varjan dogs her, alright. The bones didn't even shock Rebecca. Seeing no sign of evil at all would have frightened her more. After some wading, in which her dress became tainted and ruined beyond repair or wash, she spotted signs of an encampment. She got close enough to see what was going on, and no further. She merely watched for the moment. As soon as she was that one who opposed Varja was about to be put to death by burning, she drew her estoc and made her way forwards. The Varjan's were so focused on their prisoner that by the time the Varjans had lit the fire, she was among them, and lunged at the nearest one with her blade in a graceful, dancelike movement that didn't match any sword style that they knew of. [@PaulHaynek]