[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tlZtumW.png[/img][/center] [hr] [right][code]Campsite[/code][/right] [i]Unto the flame, the camera would fall symbolically...[/i] [i]Or something like that.[/i][hr] There was something comforting about the darkness that surrounded her, and there was something wistful about what lied just out of reach in the prohibited beyond. Callie stood at the fence line that prevented her from distancing herself any further from reality. There was always just something interesting about what lied just out of reach. Of course, Callie was never the adventurer to act on that principle, trying to surpass her barrier. Perhaps that could change, though. After all, what was occurring at the campsite wasn't quite her style and veritably no one would notice her absence. Callie shook the intrusive thoughts from her head. Now wasn't the time for adventure. She traveled to the fence line for one reason and with the day finally over, that purpose was obsolete. With the bulky camera in her hand, the girl turned back towards the world she was allowed to traverse. Finding her way back— [i]That[/i] would be an adventure more her style. The stroll through the rustling brush was uneventful yet just as lively as any other activity Callie found herself involved in in the middle of these woods. When Callie didn't have a lot of different options for people to hang out with, she got creative... It was a very common occurrence. As Callie stepped up to the ring of the roaring fire, there was that customary intrusion in her head... [i]'How did I get here..?'[/i] She wasn't a camper, nor was she that acquainted with most of the campsite's population. Callie was always just kind of... There. Surely, that circumstance made for quite the scene as the quiet girl stepped up to the flames that so entranced everyone circled around them. Callie wasn't particularly worried about who saw her, though. Instead, she stood momentarily staring at the objects filling her hands. In her right hand, she grasped a polaroid camera appearing a bit worse for wear. In its counterpart was a small array of failed photographs from the day before. [i]Man, she really was bad at this.[/i] Callie continued to think of weird symbolic quotes to fit her scenario as she slowly let her awful photographic work to be swallowed by the flame. It took all her willpower not to just toss the camera in with the pictures, but after another passive moment of gazes entranced in the world of the flames, she stepped back, carelessly setting the camera in the bag slung over her shoulder. Even with her concession to spare the poor device, Callie didn't know if she had the will to try her hand at the art again. She had hoped going on this trip would spark within her some untapped font of creativity. Sending one final glance to the incinerated ash that was once a handful of polaroid images, Callie let out a barely audible sigh and stepped back towards a seat ringing around the bonfire. That approach was never going to work, and she knew that. Her skill was contained in another medium of art... or so she thought. Callie motioned to retrieve one of the many notebooks from her bag. Lines and lines of scribbled words covered the page it was open to. She only spared it a moment's glance before letting her arm fall back to her side in defeat. The entire time she had been at the campsite, nothing more graced her notebooks save for the messily organized collage of ideas. A look of defeat broached her face. Perhaps this wasn't the time to be worrying about the usual nonsense. Without thinking, Callie allowed her eyes to slowly drift up to the rather raucous bunch gathering by the fire throwing around a bottle of vodka. [i]No. She had better things to do.[/i] Callie's gaze was quickly averted and she once again found herself staring longingly towards the distant treeline.