[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3WExQbF.png[/img][/center] Mako kept her eyes on Circe during her entire speech, smirking. She was getting some kind of enjoyment out of this. Circe was a fiery girl with a very strong will. Mako didn't even want to tame her lest she spoil this little tornado. She was about to answer when something unplanned and very interesting happened; a student at the back disagreed. Mako's eyes opened. This was getting better and better. [color=d1aaf7]"While I'd usually commend such thinking, you are mistaken about a few things. It will take you weeks to memorize the rituals and incantations, and that's if I skip the theory, which I'm not going to do as I think it's important. Young Circe here has a point. You don't need to be able to flawlessly recite and incantation or set up a ritual on the spot, if you have a ready-made potion available, and with the recent attacks, I want you all to leave today with your very own healing potions. If there is another attack on any of you, they may just save your life. So, everybody look in the cupboards under the desk, you'll all find some cauldrons, scales and athames. Don't cut yourself on them. They're sharp."[/color] [@Cerces22][@Ryonara]