[h1]Hakuno[/h1] Silently, Hakuno followed her Servant into the store, witnessing everyone within submit to the small girls' charms pretty much instantly. No matter how many people found themselves compelled to dote and adore the goddess, Hakuno could only ever stare with blank bemusement. For a plain girl that actively strove to make herself look as forgettable as possible, seeing a beautiful girl being worshipped before her was rather surreal and alien. In fact, the contrast was somewhat worrying, the more Hakuno pondered; while she had no real issue with Archer maintaining a materialised form, her tendency to attract attention with her appearance alone could prove detrimental to her own magecraft. She could make herself as visually memorable as a brock wall all she wanted, but if Hakuno was walking alongside a small goddess, every single person they passed by were sure as hell going to remember the girl lucky enough to accompany the true object of their affections. Never mind the possibility of an enemy master taking notice... The brown-haired girl jumped slightly when she realised Archer was calling for her. Joining the Servant in the dressing room, Hakuno looked at the offered outfits curiously. It probably went without saying, but Hakuno had zero knowledge of fashion, and letting her choose the outfit was probably a mistake. Still, she got the feeling that Archer would press for a decision, so she tried to imagine what seemed to suit the small Servant best. The first one... as nice as it would probably look, Archer seemed to be predisposed against it? Which made its' inclusion strange, but maybe it was best to err on the side of caution. "Besides, it probably suits a taller girl more..." Hakuno muttered to herself, not realising she had spoken that part aloud. Yes, a tall girl, possibly with nice legs and a... well, more filled-out figure would suit that choice better. Therefore, the best thing to do was to point to the latter outfit, "that one, I think?" [@KoL] ---------------------- [h1]Lancer[/h1] "...I should probably choose a closer location. Unfortunately, my choice of vantage point is limited to my abilities," Lancer answered modestly with a small smile. While he was not a big fan of ambushing an unsuspecting opponent, it was unfortunately just another facet of warfare. The unlucky Master to be targeted would just have to hope their Servant was one they could trust to defend them from a surprise attack. Secretly, the bearded Servant hoped for that outcome as well; his misgivings on an ambush aside, it would indicate an opponent he could enjoy duelling against, at least for a bout. Perhaps he shared a little of Estelle's overwhelming confidence, after all. "That said, I may have to assume my spiritual form to better hide myself, My Lady," the tall Servant continued conversationally. Despite his almost relaxed demeanour, he was on alert for an ambush aimed towards [i]themselves[/i], as well, keeping pace with the girl to ensure she could be defended from any attack. "So I would ask that you exercise the most extreme caution," the advice was probably unnecessary, and downright obvious, but Lancer couldn't help but express his worry over his Master's well-being. He [i]was[/i] a father in life too, after all.