[@TheUnknowable] Though this gives people a large opportunity to have all three - unless you set some sort of reasoning as to why they may wish to choose fewer over more (as in describe the strength of each different power depending on the number of points within the ability). Maybe include the limits of each level of a power; for example a mental gene with only 1 point invested could only affect the user or perhaps someone they are touching, 2 points would allow for range use as well as the ability to move objects or inflict an amount of damage whilst 3 points allows for all concealable range of mental powers thinkable. If you do this then you may want to include a form of monitored improvement to skills, else some people may wish to begin as a [i]Master Psychic[/i], able to melt minds in seconds... or maybe have skill points that are separate..? Another way could be "archetypes" where some may grant extra points along with other pros but greater cons and disadvantages... Though that's only an idea to fix the problem of OPness, it is also quite inefficient itself...