The roar of an engine would echo across the countryside. An unusual choice of vehicle to approach such a ghastly city due to its noise in comparison to the silence all around. The large buildings obscuring sight preventing the man in white from viewing the avenue of approach. The sound grew louder and louder as it approached the city’s outer edge before….silence. The ever present smile remained unchanged as the figure standing on the tower shifted his gaze to and fro. Ears strained to the limit, Mazono hoped that his enhanced perceptions would’ve assisted in at least locating an area of approach, but the approach of his enemy was silent and well planned – a testament to their years of combat no doubt. Falling into his own power, Mazono exhaled deeply, causing a reaction to occur all around him. Billowing grains of black – purely visible due to the white backdrop of the snow – swirled around him like a pillar of rising flames. Denser and denser the cloud became as the Iron Sand’s self-propagating effect ate away at the fallen snow and debris surrounding his immediate vicinity. As the granules came into contact with the non-biological mass, the object would slowly deteriorate and be replaced with a pile of black sand. The storm of dust intensified as it spread outward more and more, filling the 30 foot field of power with its substance. Within its center, Mitsu remained, his breathing steady and purposeful as if the very action was the causality of the dust’s actions. To a spectator, one would see a thirty-foot dome of black – vision to the center obscured by the material’s shifting and condensed form. A barely audible hum of building energy emanating from the semi-sphere’s location. As the sand continued to shift and move, golden lightly barely escaped from the openings caused by the granule’s movement. [i] More [/i] Within the center of this field, Mazono continued to inhale and exhale as a buildup of impressive electrical energy filled the thirty foot area with its intense and brilliant luminescence the light growing brighter and brighter until the man in white was blotted out by the sheer brilliance. The hum of the barely visible field of defensive power growing louder and louder as the energy within grew more and more intense. More and more energy began to gather until – without warning – the illumination would dissipate, the electrical discharge compressing into the form of the man in white. With one final exhalation, a sheen of white-blue formed around the outline of his body, a testament to the activation of the first stage of his Thunder God Teleport. [i] More [/i] From his illuminated form, hidden behind the shroud of black, energy would steam off of his body like vapor. The 30 foot space found itself suddenly becoming filled with basketball sized spheres of white-blue until there was barely any room for movement. Sparks of power rising from the surface of these dense electrical balls, Mazono continued to focus his power inward, until his eyes snapped open. The brilliant golden glow of his enhanced perception witnessed the field of arc-spheres around him with satisfaction. All was prepared, and it was about time. The hum of energy grew louder still as the 30 ft dome of pitch began to rise into the air completing its shape and becoming a perfectly solid black sphere as it rose. Once reaching twenty feet above him, Mazono ceased the rise of the construct. Undulation more and more evident around him as the black obstruction was removed from the interior. [i] Now then, where will you attack me from….Narrian [/i]