[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180306/4807e3cb8c992f5b31be57d74a4fd9d9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZYMGNBz.png[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Location: Brynn's House ---> BHHS Parking Lot Collab: [color=a5a5a5][b]Sean[/b][/color] [@Universorum] and [color=6495ed][b]Brynn[/b][/color] [@melissahart][/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr][indent][color=a5a5a5][b]Do you want me to pick you up?[/b][/color] Brynn stared down at her phone, eyes fixed on her latest text message from none other than Sean Sterling. After last night’s Candyland events, she was even [i]more[/i] determined to make him disappear from her life, on the account that her friends thought it’d be good for her to settle down. Since when was that a good idea? It didn’t even occur to her how she could even get hurt by this guy- [i]she[/i] was the one in control here, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Picking up her cell, she opened the message from the blonde and began to type out a response. Should she take the ride or no? She decided yes, mostly on the account of she was terribly lazy and didn’t want to drive to school. [color=6495ed][b]Sure, why not. 17 Oceanview Way, you can text me when you’re outside.[/b][/color] Sean Sterling was up and raring to go much earlier than normal. Maybe it was the excitement that had blossomed from the purchase of the bike. He’d already left the house by the time his sister had dragged him out of bed on Monday. He’d gotten on his bike and taken it out, giving it another go. This time, without his mother breathing down his neck, Sean was helmetless. Dangerous? Yes. Comfortable? Very. Besides, he was okay with the danger. Did that make him a bad boy? Fuck, he was turning into a stereotype. Dressed in black, sunglasses on his head, sitting on a black motorcycle, no helmet because he didn’t give a damn. And what did he do? He asked Brynn if she wanted him to pick her up. Sean assumed she didn’t, and nearly headed off to school when he got the text back. After he’d received it, Sean stuffed the rest of the McDonald’s hash brown he’d bought for breakfast into his mouth, keyed in her address, and zipped over. Once there, he shut the bike off in front of her home and leaned forward on the handlebars, typing out a quick message to her. [color=a5a5a5][b]Here.[/b][/color] Brynn’s phone ‘dinged’ and she looked down to see Sean’s text notifying her of his presence. Grabbing her tote bag, she headed down the large winding staircase of her home, and towards the front door. Looking out of the peephole, she scanned to see if Sean was [i]actually[/i] there, but unfortunately, she didn’t see his car. All she saw was a kid on a motorcycle, who wasn’t- oh my god. Realizing that Sean [i]was[/i] the kid on the motorcycle, her jaw dropped. Since when did he drive a two-wheeled death machine? Walking out to greet him, she gave him a puzzled glance. [color=6495ed][b]“Hi… new ride?”[/b][/color] Once Brynn appeared, Sean straightened up and took his sunglasses off to turn his attention to her. He nodded in response to her question. [color=a5a5a5][b]“Yeah. I got it last night because I got sick of riding around in Selena’s… princess carriage. I’ve never felt more out of place than the first time I got inside that. Besides, that drives itself and is electric. I drive this, and it runs on gas. You can just get on the back. Trust me, I know what I’m doin’ on here, so you’ll be safe.”[/b][/color] Sean said, giving her a short grin. [color=a5a5a5][b]“I don’t… have a helmet, but it’s better without one. Just hold on tight and don’t lean against me on the corners.”[/b][/color] Brynn [i]swooned[/i] hardcore when Sean took off his sunglasses and stood up against the bike. His bad boy vibes were evident, and she was [i]all for it[/i]. [color=6495ed][i]Snap out of it, Brynn[/i][/color] she thought to herself, trying to downplay the situation as much as she could. [color=6495ed][b]“Okay, I trust you. Hopefully, we make it to school in one piece.”[/b][/color] She replied, climbing onto the bike behind him and wrapping her arms tightly around his torso. [color=a5a5a5][b]“On the bright side, if we don’t make it to school in one piece… at least we don’t have to be at school.”[/b][/color] Sean replied, flicking the sunglasses back open and putting them on his head. He started the bike and revved the engine, before kicking off the curb and pulling onto the road, zipping up to speed and cruising along. So. Much. Better. Than. The. Pink. Monstrosity. Brynn held on tighter to Sean as they began zooming towards the school, getting a rush out of feeling the wind blow through her hair and watching the passing cars go by. This was a thrill, Sean was a thrill, Sean was [i]hot[/i] and this added to the list of pros that she had made on his behalf. Sean shifted the bike, and the speed kicked in instantly. This bike was fucking dope — the biggest downside was that their ride had to come to a close so soon. Within a few more minutes, they were parked in the school parking lot, and Sean looked over his shoulder at Brynn as he put the kickstand down. [color=a5a5a5][b]“See? I told you we were safe.”[/b][/color] Brynn laughed, resting her head on his shoulder. [color=6495ed][b]“It was touch and go there for a second… but like I said-“[/b][/color] She gave him a kiss on the cheek, [color=6495ed][b]“I trust you.”[/b][/color] Brynn replied, removing her head from his shoulder and taking a look around at everyone going into school. Hopefully, none of her hookups would see this, since she had big plans for the day. [color=a5a5a5][b]“And you should. You’re pretty much safer on the back of this bike than you are on your own two feet.”[/b][/color] Sean took the opportunity to kiss Brynn on the lips before he got off of the bike and nodded to her. [color=a5a5a5][b]“Alright, I guess I’ll see you around. Let me know if you need a ride home, I’ll be happy to accommodate you.”[/b][/color] Sean, on the other hand, did [i]not[/i] have big plans for the day — unless sleeping in every class possible counted as ‘big plans,’ but he suspected it did not. Brynn gracefully made her way off of the bike, fixing her hair quickly before looking up at Sean. [color=6495ed][b]“Yeah, I gotta run and do the morning show, but hopefully I’ll see you later. Maybe in a janitor's closet, maybe not.”[/b][/color] She replied with a wink, referring to their rendezvous yesterday during homeroom. [color=a5a5a5][b]“We’ll see what I have on my busy schedule. I’m a tutor now, did I tell you that? For some girl named Parker.”[/b][/color] Sean explained, before he stole another kiss from her, and even gave [i]her[/i] a wink. [color=a5a5a5][b]“Just in case I don’t see you again.”[/b][/color] He said simply, before turning and jogging off into the building.[/indent]