[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]National Assembly[/b][/h2] As the situation was developing in Kamidye, with the corruption and the scandal within the Department of Justice - the Technocratic Union agreed that there might be a new elections on the rise. Since the situation had devolved so rapidly that the once strong Samgolan Patriotic Party had dropped in a short in quite the amount. As such, it was agreed they would try and gain funds - in the few states, they hadn't touched yet. As this was happening, they also planned on using them for a sensible purpose. As the situation was devolving within the Liberal Coalition itself - nobody had taken the liberty of organizing a decent estimate of the approval of Bassong Government. As such the STU decided on spending around $50,000 on gathering an estimate of the situation - namely for visiting numerous local provinces and cities, talking with the ruling leaders there, calling in on some radio stations and even randomly interviewing people on the streets on their take on the situation. Although with the situation as bad as it was - homelessness, unemployment and even corruption rocking the government. It was agreed, that the people needed something to help in the polite term, distract from all the madness that was going on in Samgola. Plus it would aid them in the long run. In addition, the STU has decided after some talks with the Liberal Democrats to propose an tax-payer money saving Amendment to their Freedom of Choice Act - in order to both help the doctors of both public and private hospitals and allow them easier access to their patient' files. [hider=Proposal/Amendment] [b]Income Tax Reduction[/b] [b]Overview:[/b] With the high unemployment and homelessness - it is thought, giving the people of Samgola a tax-break might help stimulate the economy and allow more people to keep their hard-earned money. [b]Article 1.[/b] Reduce the current Income Tax from 30% to 27%. [Cost-Saving] [hr] [b]Freedom of Choice Act[/b] [b]Overview:[/b] The freedom of choice act will provide the citizens the freedom and opportunity to decide what they put into their bodies and allow for the loosening of arbitrary restrictions placed on health industries [u]Article 1:[/u] The government will not actively place regulation on private healthcare industries, instead they will only recommend health and safety legislation to these privately created clinics providing them the opportunity to set their own standards. (Competition) [u]Article 2:[/u] The process known as “gender reassignment surgery” will no longer be made illegal in the health industries, instead the government will take no stance on the surgery and whether a private clinic wishes to perform it. Public clinics will perform the surgery with the recommendation of a health professional. (Liberty) [u]Article 3:[/u] The process known as “In-virtro fertilization” will be made legal. Public health clinics will require that a couple present legal documentation proving their marriage, however such restrictions will not apply to private clinics. (Liberty) [u]Article 4:[/u] The advertisement of legal substances that are classified as addictive or harmful will no longer be regulated by the government. (Liberty) [u]Article 5:[/u] The National ID system, will soon include a medical section upon where public and private-doctors can edit the patient' record easily - this is to help reduce both paperwork, save time and help doctors keep a quick and easy to access record on their patients. (Cost-Saving) [/hider] [hider=Actions] [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Onige [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Nambé [u]Propose Bill:[/u] Income Tax Reduction [u]Use Funds:[/u] $50,000 on polling the Approval of the Bassong Government [u]Vote Yes:[/u] The Governmental Oversight Bill [u]Add Amendment:[/u] Freedom of Choice Act Action Points Remaining: 1/5 Funds: $406,850 [/hider] [/center]