[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180306/060d9b2954a45fddafcba7b7ec557691.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/119608e44f9619cf3e3e83606d798e0b/tumblr_inline_o4h4exyGuN1sn95bh_250.gif[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/80/36/94/803694462ddf27db21e3bb48badc020c.gif[/img] [sub][b][color=slategray]Location:[/color] The Callaghan Residence -> Homeroom [color=slategray]Featuring:[/color] [color=31ba9f]Jamie Callaghan[/color] [color=slategray]&[/color] [color=ba314c]Katie Callaghan[/color][/b][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Katie Callaghan’s morning routine consisted of waking up an hour and a half before she had to leave for school with Jamie, showering, blow drying her hair, curling it if she decided to that day, getting dressed, and finally applying makeup. Once that was all done, should time allow, she’d scroll through her various social medias, catching up on the fast times of Beverly Hills. This morning, said catching up proved eventful. Why? Well, the Helmsley’s were back. [color=ba314c][i]Jamie’s gonna flip![/i][/color] Meanwhile, nextdoor, Jamie was finishing up his own process,. He was standing in front of the mirror, carefully evaluating his outfit. He had to dress to impress. Why? Marshall had snapped him last night. He’d clearly been stoned, but Jamie obliged anyways, and agreed to talk. And for that he had to look good. Jamie sighed. [color=31ba9f][b]”Why couldn’t I be straight?”[/b][/color] he mused. Suddenly, Katie walked in, no knock to forewarn her entrance, Typical. [color=31ba9f][b]”Katie! Knocking! Try it!”[/b][/color] an exasperated Jamie exclaimed. Katie paused, and cocked an eyebrow at her brother. [color=ba314c][b]”Why? Should I worry about walking in on you getting laid?”[/b][/color] she asked, smirking. Jamie flipped her the bird. [color=ba314c][b]”Your pitiful sex life aside, look,”[/b][/color] Katie said, shoving her phone into her brother’s face, showing off an immaculate picture of the Helmsley Three, back in Beverly Hills, posted on Becca’s Instagram. Caption: “Three heads are better than one!” [color=31ba9f][b]”Well, that’s a development,”[/b][/color] Jamie said, earning a look of shock from Katie. [color=ba314c][b]”What? No freak out? You couldn’t have been planning for this one,”[/b][/color] Katie said. Normally news like this would send her brother into scheme mode, but he was surprisingly calm. Why? Everyone knew the Helmsley’s were firmly anti-Hailey, and Jamie seemed to be on Hailey’s team? Right? Jamie shook his head. [color=31ba9f][b]”Katie, ever heard that old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well, the Helmsley’s are my friends. Tentatively.”[/b][/color] Jamie said, smirking as he grabbed his bag and made for the door. [color=31ba9f][b]”The Helmsleys coming home is good for everyone. They keep Hailey in check, and if there’s anything Hailey needs, it’s a good check. And no, I’m not referring to the paper kind.”[/b][/color] Katie scoffed. [color=ba314c][b]”You’d think this is House of Cards the way you talk,”[/b][/color] Katie said, following Jamie downstairs, her own backpack thrown over her shoulder. [color=ba314c][b]”You should try being more like me and Noah and Joy. Out of people’s business.”[/b][/color] Now it was Jamie’s turn to scoff. [color=31ba9f][b]”Now where’s the fun in that?”[/b][/color] Katie shook her head. She’d never understand the force that pulled her brother to Hailey and her circle. She didn’t need the kind of validation he did, or at least, she didn’t need it from people like them. Katie was lucky enough to possess a maturity that most kids her age didn’t have. The downside to this, was that she couldn’t wrap her head around the high school bull shit. [color=ba314c][i]There’s worse things in the world.[/i][/color] The car ride to school was quick, and soon the siblings found themselves in Mrs. Winship’s room. Jamie took his usual seat, near where Trixie, Hailey, Selena, and the Candies normally sat. Marshall was yet to arrive. Jamie’s stomach dropped at the idea of speaking to him. What would they say? Was Marshall gonna explain the whole thing away? Tell Jamie he was being crazy? Tell him he was leaving Riley for him? Tell him he didn’t have a chance? Question after question flew through Jamie’s head as he struggled to keep his cool, awaiting the moment of truth. Meanwhile, Katie had taken a spot in the back corner of the room, adjacent to the drama kids, but truly a space all it’s own. Here she waited for Noah and Joy, hoping they weren’t too long. She was bored, and needed someone to talk shit about her peers with.