[h2][center][color=aba000]KRISS MAUSER[/color][/center][/h2] [center][i]LOCATION: SCVRS[/i][/center] [center][i]TIME: SUNDAY, 8 AM[/i][/center] "Good morning everyone. The annual Sol City Volunteer Rescue Squad meeting is called to order. I'd like to thank all of you for coming here so early, etc etc, you all know the drill," Kelly Snapdragon said, glasses perched on her nose. She was seated at the head of a large, rectangular table with the rest of the squad. The table wasn't large enough for everyone, so a few were seated against a wall or standing up to avoid falling asleep. Kriss was lucky enough to grab a table seat, but he was usually one of the first people to the meeting. Most of the room mumbled a "good morning" in reply. The rest either grunted or nodded vaguely in Snap's direction. "You've all been given a copy of the agenda, along with the minutes of the previous meeting," Snap said, flipping a page of a small packet of paper. The rest of the attendees followed suit, flipping their pages in unison with her. "Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting?" A heavy, bearded man nearby silently raised his hand. "All in favor?" "Aye," the room said wearily. "On to the financial report." Kriss tried his best to stay focused on the large spreadsheet on the next page, but the columns and headings seemed to blur together the more Snap talked. Finances had never been his strong suit. He glanced around the room to see how the others were handling it. A majority of the squad was having just as much trouble focusing as he was. Getting on an ambulance and screaming down the highway to rescue someone trapped in a car is one thing at 8 AM. Sitting in a small cinderblock basement room listening to someone talk about a budget is a whole different story. Only a handful of early-morning people looked genuinely interested. Kriss caught sight of one of the female technicians looking at her smartphone under the table. She reminded him of Allison, who was not present. Her one-week term expired two days ago and he hadn't seen her since. Honestly he hadn't noticed much of a difference with her gone. Her helpfulness had, in his opinion, balanced out with her inexperience to create someone mediocre at best. He would be perfectly content with her working elsewhere. "Alright everyone, last stretch. New business," Snap said, drawing him back to reality. She picked up a thin file and flipped it open, revealing a profile photograph of a certain redhead. "This is Allison Hawthorne. She recently moved to Sol City and showed interest in joining the squad. I've contacted the CO of her previous squad and he said she is an excellent EMT. He faxed me her documentation stating she has passed all of the EMT-1 training. He says she has great people skills, she's a quick learner,..." Snap waved her hand in the air to indicate there were other things to say she couldn't remember. "Allison approached me a week ago and asked if she could join up. I told her I could let her work with us for a week and we could go from there. In my professional opinion, she should join the squad immediately." Kriss's jaw dropped. "She doesn't have any formal water rescue training, but I spoke to her and she's willing to take the first available course. She's also willing to put in a 12 today." A few paramedics raised their eyebrows and nodded. The race had been hyped up all weekend and many were eager to hook up with friends, eat unhealthy food, and watch cars drive around in circles. People mumbled to themselves and each other. The consensus seemed to be in favor of a new pair of hands, especially today. "I motion that Allison be brought on part time as an EMT-1 immediately. Second?" The heavy bearded man raised his hand again. "All in favor?" "Aye!" the room chorused unanimously, with the exception of Kriss, who had grown more uncomfortable the more Snap talked. He wasn't about to let this pass without bringing up the trouble he had experienced with her. Unfortunately for him, Snap was not in the mood for discussing it. She had been in this meeting long enough and wasn't about to deal with Kriss's minor complaints. She had already debriefed Allison personally and the young lady had owned up to everything, apologizing profusely and promising to do a better job. Honestly was a rare quality and Snap was not about to let a few mishaps get in the way of bringing on a promising paramedic-to-be. "All against?" she asked. Before Kriss could open his mouth, Snap locked eyes with him and gave him a particularly aggressive glare. He blanked out, losing his grip on the objections he had been preparing in his mind. The gap of silence was just enough for Snap to nod her head. "Alright, approved. That's the end of new business. If anyone has anything else to say, now's your chance." Dead silence. Some were already standing up to leave. Snap was still locked onto Kriss, blocking him from reformatting his objections to the vote and stalling the meeting for enough time to motion to adjourn. The bearded man raised his hand for the last time. "Meeting adjourned. Have a nice day, people."