[color=thistle]Valarie walked into Club Nyte just after sundown. Just off of work, she was looking to relax and enjoy the music. The Lobos were playing early tonight, or she would have taken the time to dress up more; but she knew she had to come right after work or she'd miss them. She looked around the club and saw her favorite spot open, right in front of the speakers! She flagged down a nearby waitress to order her shot of tequila, and listened to the finishing notes of The Lobos first song.[/color] [hr] [color=lightpink][i]I'm not sure this is such a good idea[/i], Amy thought. She had promised Beatrix and Ophelia that she'd stop by their work tonight to "hang out", but seeing Club Nyte in person was intimidating. Amy took a deep breath, "I can do this," she whispered under her breath. She took a second breath, then walked to the door and walked in. The inside was amazing, but she was looking for two people and couldn't find them!! "They said they were working tonight!!! What the hell?" she whispered again as she moved closer to the bar. [i]Well, I can wait for few minutes. [/i] She sat at the bar, ordering just a water, then turned and listened to the band.[/color] [hr] [color=slategray]Ashly looked at her watch, it was just 8:30. [i]Still early, but I have those chapters I have to get finished by tomorrow night.[/i] She walked into the Club, and looked around. She could see why her assistant liked this place, and the music was pretty good too! She saw a mousy girl sitting at the far end of the bar, and decided she didn't look like she would bother her. So she headed that way as the band finished their first set. Ashly heard a woman's voice on stage, and realized the bassist was speaking, saying the band would be back for their second set in fifteen minutes. [i]Cool, I got fifteen minutes to try and get a drink or two, without losing my voice, [/i]she thought as she sat down. Flagging down the bartender she ordered a screwdriver. She looked over at the mousey girl and asked, "Is the band any good?" Amy replied, [color=lightpink]"Um....yes....I think so."[/color] Ashly nodded her head, [i]Damn, I almost had my head in her drink, trying to hear her.[/i] "Well, glad I'm here then." Ashly turned away, as it looked like the girl didn't really want to talk to her anyways.[/color]