[center][img]https://puu.sh/zCtZ0/e0a77a89fc.png[/img][/center] [hr] After having discussed the general plan with the others of D team, Felix went towards the Private Quarters on the second floor. The echoes of footsteps stopped in front of the dump, where Felix stretched his legs, carefully observing his surroundings. His lower arms and ankles were covered in pieces of metal, they may be a bit heavy, but they could hopefully stop any projectiles thrown at him. This wasn’t like last time, Felix came fully prepared to win this fight tonight, and nothing was going to stop him. He even considered distracting more than a single sister by himself, but then again, he wasn't [i]that[/i] stupid. While Felix waited, he could hear a thud from behind the dumping room door. Something akin to a metal object being dropped on a metal table. It wasn't especially loud, though that might have been because the door was shut. Feeling the tension of the eerie quietness around him, Felix was almost happy when the noise snapped him out of his own anticipation; even though it scared him. This was not the time to be frightened though, so Felix quickly jogged towards the dump door before silently opening it and peeking inside. Upon opening the door, Felix was reminded that the trapdoor in the dumping room was open on the second floor. With the door open, it became obvious that Napoleon was using her guillotine as a makeshift grappling hook. The unusually massive blade was able to support the carnage sister's weight without being coiled around anything. [b]”Here I come!”[/b] the gitty carnage sister called out before pulling herself up. However, she had the other end of the rope tied in a noose, which she hurled at Felix. If he wasn’t prepared for anything when he opened the door, the noose might have turned Felix into cattle, but luckily, his freerunning reflexes allowed him to dodge to the side, only barely being scraped by the rope. He immediately wanted to get some distance from Napoleon, but with the sudden rush of adrenaline, he stumbled over his own feet, leaving him a dozen feet from the door. [b]”I didn't think you'd be waiting for me, heh. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”[/b] The carnage sister had pulled herself up and was quickly winding up her arm to retrieve her rope. She used her other hand to effortlessly pick up the guillotine blade and hoist it over her shoulder. Traditional blades for the guillotine weighed almost ninety pounds, but this one looked like it might weigh even more. It was heavy enough to support Napoleon's weight when she climbed out of the trap door after all. [b]”It's a shame I don't have my steed with me, I'd just love to [i]ride[/i] something right now”[/b] The carnage sister wasn't making any sudden movements, just slowly stepping towards Felix. [b]”Is there a reason why you don’t have a weapon? I think you'll find me pretty hard to discipline without one.”[/b] [color=fff200]“Ehehe.”[/color] Even though the situation was not favoring Felix, he had an obvious grin on his face; perhaps he was confident in his ability, or maybe just really scared. Either way, he was quick to his feet and with every step that napoleon advanced, Felix devanced. [color=fff200]“These metal plates-”[/color] he said as he raised his arms. [color=fff200]”Are heavy enough, using weapons would only limit my full potential. And I’m not fighting you anyway.”[/color] Felix then stopped in his tracks to allow Napoleon to get closer. [color=fff200]“I think you know what I’m here for, I mean what with all the reinforcements and all? it looks like Davis is realising the threat we pose.”[/color] The carnage sister cooed [b]”Please stop talking, you're spoiling the mood.”[/b] Napoleon Heaved her weapon towards Felix, but not directly at him. The blade was moving pretty fast, but the free runner would undoubtedly be able to avoid getting cut. On the initial throw anyway. The carnage sister held the rope so that it wasn't directly behind the blade. Once the rope fully extended, it would swing like a pendulum in any direction Napoleon chose. But while Napoleon swung at Felix, he had started running towards the robot, clearing the guillotine. With a decent build up, he jumped over napoleon, intend on disorienting her. Even though Napoleon's initial swing missed, there was still plenty of momentum to carry the guillotine counterclockwise around the carnage sister. The robot herself spun clockwise in the opposite direction, winding the rope around her waist. This shortened the rope's length to the massive blade, causing it to revolve around Napoleon's body even faster as it closed in. Meanwhile, she had thrown out her noose again. It was coming at Felix clockwise, from the opposite direction of the guillotine. Aiming above her head was difficult, and she would not be able to snag any of Felix's limbs. But in the air, Felix didn't have a lot of control over his momentum. Looking over to his side, Felix was surprised to spot the guillotine coming his way, but with no way to dodge it mid air, he braced his arms to try and catch it, or at least block it. That’s when he found out how heavy the blade [i]really[/i] was; it send him flying into the direction of the rope, which acted as a whip at the velocity that the two collided. He could feel the air escaping his lungs as the intense pain surged through his back; while it wasn’t a fatal strike, this would surely hurt for the coming days. it wasn’t looking good for Felix, the sheer strength of Napoleon would be manageable if it wasn’t for those unpredictable movements. Now that Felix was lying on the ground, he realised how outclassed he was, and the only option would be...to run. So before Napoleon could react, Felix was already sprinting towards the resort, although his injured body may have caused him to run a bit slower. Napoleon caught the massive blade before it had a chance to crash into her. The carnage sister was carrying a lot of weight, but it didn't seem like she was having any difficulty pacing herself with the injured free runner. [b]”Please tell me you're not done already. You [i]have[/i] to be able to last longer than this. Why are men always so fast to finish up?”[/b] As the two came crashing into the resort, Felix found himself near the music plaza. He could see some of the musical instruments set up on an elevated stage. Escaping from the plaza would be difficult in his condition. He couldn't jump over Napoleon like he had done previously, and she was quick to position herself between both of Felix's remaining exits. He might have been able to escape into the beach retreat, but it was a very small door, and the carnage sister had just gotten done unwrapping the guillotine from her torso. So Felix decided that before heading to the beach, he would try to distract Napoleon first. [color=fff200]“Come on sister? isn’t it kinda weird to harm the injured patient that you’re supposed to care for? I mean, I know you’re new and all, but in [i]this[/i] killing game, the sisters take care of the patients, I’m pretty sure monokuma won’t be happy about what you’re doing here.”[/color] As Felix said what he did, he slowly started moving towards the beach, trying to make it look like he was just walking aimlessly. Felix would not have to pretend to leave much longer. Something hit the door hard enough to pop it off of it’s hinges, and it was coming straight for the freerunner. Between Felix's diverted attention and hurting body, he wasn't able to avoid the door's charge. It smacked into his back, and shoved him towards his pursuer. Napoleon was ready to capitalize on Felix's predicament. While she was sprinting forward, she hurled her guillotine directly at Felix's chest. The giant blade spun as it hurdled through the air. Such a large piece of steel could easily split a man in two, even with the blunt end. But then the door that was shoving felix along suddenly changed direction. He found himself being slammed into a wall. The pain was hard to ignore, but the vertigo was even worse. He found it impossible to remain standing and fell to the floor. Years of practice as a free runner made it possible for him to guide himself to the ground in a controlled manner. He was able to turn and face the two carnage sisters that would end him. Only there was someone else there as well. Felix was able to see someone clad head to toe in armor. In one hand, they held Geina's severed head, and in the other, they head a sword. If the split in Napoleon's head and upper torso was anything to go by, they had just cut her in half. The carnage sister's inhumanly heavy blade laid at their feet in two halves. [b]”Heh.”[/b] the carnage sister chuckled. [b]”I'm not much for the submissive role, but if it's you-”[/b] the metalic figure swiftly removed the blade and cut across the robot's torso, splitting her into three pieces. The robot's outfit was stained in equal parts blood and hydraulic fluid. [b]”Evil will always submit to justice.”[/b] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385033360633757696/390291593636347905/Justiciar.gif[/img][/center] Justiciar tossed Geina's head off to the side and approached Felix, extending a hand towards them. [b]”Can you stand up?”[/b] [color=fff200]“Huh?”[/color] Felix was completely dumbfounded. Not only did he just get thrown in two directions without touching the ground, He wasn’t even sure [i]Who[/i] threw that door at him. And now Justiciar was standing in front of him!? If he wasn’t so worn out and hurt, Felix would surely question justiciar’s allegiance, but from seeing him handle nepoleon, he didn’t stand a chance anyway. And so he hesitantly grabbed hold of Justiciar’s hand, stumbling a bit before regaining his balance. [color=fff200]“I uhh..should I be thanking you?”[/color] [b]”I am needed elsewhere.”[/b] was the vigilante's response. The suit didn't let Felix gauge what the individual’s facial expression might have been. [b]”I can help you to your room, but I need to assist with the fight against Nariko as soon as I can. Getting yourself killed now would be a great injustice.”[/b] [color=fff200]“I can’t leave yet, I have to-”[/color] A burst of pain surged through felix, and he flinched in response. In his current condition, he’d be of no use to anyone, so perhaps it would be best to leave it to this metalclad savior. [color=fff200]“I’ll be fine on my own.”[/color] Felix sighed. [color=fff200]“If you’re targeting Nariko, I won’t hold you back.”[/color]