[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/7b20e17e-7859-4d46-ac49-e4552d4aad7a.jpg] PIKASSO "PIKACHU" CHUCK 29 years old Pikasso, when he was younger, would introduce himself as "Pikachu" when he tried to say "Pikasso Chuck". People began to call him Pikachu as a nickname and it stuck with him for the rest of his life. There are times when he even forgets that his name is not actually Pikachu and becomes confused when he is addressed as anything else. When he was in high school he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life so when he graduated, Pikachu randomly selected photography as his major because he thought it sounded easy. it was in college when he learned that photography was not just grabbing a camera and taking a picture. Lighting, focus, and all sorts of factors contributed into a shot. He started taking photography seriously only after nearly failing his first semester because he slacked off in class and usually just turned in random pictures he took with a cheap camera. He eventually developed quite a talent for photography and had an impressive portfolio by the time he graduated. Pikachu is very imaginative and managed to land a job taking photos for advertisements, but eventually his creativity and experience got him hired to be a photographer for models and celebrities. He became a famous photographer and one time during a photo shoot for SILVER SUPER STAR, he became intrigued when the man mentioned that there was an opening for a photography teacher and Pikachu decided to apply, thinking that an extra job would not be too bad. Pikachu now teaches photography at AOA and also ended up as one of this year's UwaPri judges. [/center]