Yeah, so very basic WIP sheet that I still need to work on. But I figured I'd pump out what I had. [hider=Zrel Okrir] [center] [h2]Zrel Okrir[/h2] [b]Government Type:[/b] Zrel Okrir society is dominated by the Five Clans, those orcs who trace their ancestry back to the daughters of Zrel Okrir's ancestral hero Xurag Lordsbane. It is governed as a democracy of sorts, but only those who are members of the Five Clans are permitted to make their voices heard. The nation itself is officially lead by the King of Zrel Okrir, advised by a council of Clan Speakers for each of the Five Clans. However, in practice the Clan Speakers are the power that rules Zrel Okrir with the King being unable to take action without their consent. [b]Faction Specie(s):[/b] WIP (Mostly Orcs, with slaves of almost all races) [b]Territory Details:[/b] [img][/img] Zrel Okrir is located in the hills and valleys in between the Murkwater and the Sour Fen, stretching dangerously close to Justinian Imperium's Marcher Lord in the west. Much of the settled land is along the coastal plains adjacent to the Murkwater; the land there is relatively fertile and because of this is heavily cultivated by those of Zrel Okrir. Where the land is not cultivated, it is typically lightly forested on the southern plain but inhabited only by shrugs and grasses on the northern. The reason behind this is simple; the land was also once forested, but during the Dark Lord's reign he clear-cut much of the northern plain for lumber to be taken back to the now-ruined fortress of Orthras Zul. But further inland the ancient forests of Zrel Okrir still stand to this day. Millennia old, the land is considered dark and foreboding by many and is home to many foul beasts and creatures. The furthest recesses of the forest are regions even the bravest will often refuse to go, for they are believed home to unimaginable monstrosities. The last distinct region of Zrel Okrir is the coast proper; the land there is typically inundated with the murky, filth-ridden waters of the Murkwater, forming swamps all along Zrel Okrir's coastline. Actually doing anything with these swamps is often considered simply not worth the effort, and so they are left to grow wild and untamed. Though it is simply most of the coastline that is a swampy morass, and there are still places one may look out over the foul Murkwater without risking death. [b]Faction Religion/Ideology:[/b] [b]Faction Description:[/b] Zrel Okrir is an Orcish 'kingdom' along the southeastern coast of the Murkwater who believe that the Dark Lord Daigon was slain not by Justinian, but by an Orc allied with Justinian and who was betrayed and murdered by Justinian. As a result a hatred of the Imperium permeates throughout the Kingdom, so much so that they would side with those who glorify Daigon against the Justinians. And it is the descendants of said orc's daughters forming the Five Clans which truly rule Zrel Okrir, with the King existing to nod his head in agreement at their rulings. Their society is also based heavily upon slavery, with most of the farming, mining, and other 'unworthy' roles being done by slaves. And because of this, Zrel Okrir has an almost constant hunger for more and more slaves; much of them are captured on raids on other lands, especially targeting the Imperium's coastlines along the Murkwater, but they are more than willing to do business with foreign slave traders to get what they need. [b]Faction History:[/b] WIP [b]Important Characters:[/b] WIP [b]Relations to other Factions:[/b] WIP [/center] [/hider]