When his nurse started cleaning below his waist, he was both grateful and disappointed that he couldn't feel anything below his waist. He purposely found something interesting on the other side of the room to inspect while she scrubbed his manhood, not wanting to see if his cock responded to her touch. A smile interrupted his discomfort while she scrubbed his lower body and commented that he would make a good personal trainer. He was immediately reminded of some of the videos he'd seen being traded among the guys in the barracks that involved an attractive woman and her male personal trainer. "Darling," he said, realizing after the fact that she might not appreciate the affectionate pet name, but hoping she'd forgive him anyway, "When I'm aces again, I would be absolutely delighted to be your personal trainer, your masseur, and even your personal chef for a night or two. I know that this is your job, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to do anything that would repay the kindness and assistance you've given me." When she announced she was going to turn him, though, he chuckled, "I don't think you can turn someone who's already straight," but even so, he gritted his teeth and prepared himself for the pain that would undoubtedly course through both his arms when she shifted his body. He grunted once, but otherwise did his best to hide the physical torture he felt. Chambers regretted having them take him off the higher dose of morphine, but that couldn't be helped now. When she was finally done, he let out the breath he'd been holding throughout the process and sighed- his heart rate slowly returning back to normal as she dressed him again. Before Celeste left, the petite picture of a hot nurse that Jason was having trouble scrubbing from his mind was made worse when she lifted her scrubs to reveal her bare hip. "Dinner, and a show?" he responded with a smirk, "Sounds fair to me!"