Lucie cast a sidelong glance Adam's way, her lips pressed into a thin line. He had sustained quite the amount of injuries, and not all of them appeared to be physical. Despite all of the visible signs of physical pain, the hunched shoulders and hanging head, told her all she needed to about his mental well-being. It made her realise that she had gotten out of the entire ordeal easy. She and Aleksandra had had to only look into the matter of disappearances, whereas it turned out Adam and Lilliana had faced off against something horrible. Isabeau and her, frankly, terrifying power that bordered on mind control, as well as the abomination that they had somehow managed to kill for good. [i]To be more precise, I was the only one who had it easy.[/i] She bit her lower lip, chewing on it in thought. In a way it made her feel guilty, almost. She had done little but chase down someone who wasn't a threat to her, and prior to that she'd spent the night skulking about with Aleksandra. And even when she had exerted herself, chasing Isabeau, she had managed to make it into a game for herself; one of cat and mouse. Ianus Congregatio had done much for her, not the least of which was give her a home after her supposed death, and she paid back with efforts and aid that amounted to little more than proverbial change. She felt like she owed it to Adam, to the House, to do more. She let one of the young hostlers take her horse, giving him a brief nod of thanks before she turned her attention to Ren. In the months she had been here, he was one of the few people who had legitimately impressed her. Not that the rest of the staff or members were disappointing, but few had exceeded her expectations as he had. Her initial impression had been that of a stuck-up butler, the kind who thought himself important simply by association with whatever noble they served. Ren, however, had proven himself to be a very compassionate individual, who genuinely cared about his master and their well-being, and was perfectly content with their lot in life. He took pride in his work and his job, not in himself. The difference might be small to some, but not many people had seen as many butlers or man servants as Lucie had, and especially not with outside eyes. It made her appreciate him all the more when he explained that they had gathered what items of value that were near the old mill, had been collected and brought back. "Did you, by chance, find a revolver, too, Ren?" She asked while taking off her gloves. She stuffed them in her belt and started undoing her braid. "It was my Peacemaker. Colt, Single Action?" He paused for a moment before a look of slight disappointment washed over him. "I am afraid not, Miss Lucie. Though some of the others who were with me, did manage to find an item matching your description. If you would, I could show you to the storage rooms, where we keeps such items?" Lucie smiled, but shook her head. "No thank you, I will find it myself tomorrow." She walked up to him, placed a hand on the side of his face and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "But thank you," she added, "for arranging the baths." She then headed for her rooms, pausing only briefly to look back, grinning at the flushed cheeks and wide eyes of Ren. And was that a pleased smile she was? Yes, yes it was. She chuckled to herself and hurried towards the promised baths, hardly able to wait to be relieved of the smell of sewage. [hr] Lucie slowly twirled in front of the mirror, eyeing her own reflection with a critical eye. She wondered if the frills on her dress were too abundant, or perhaps if the design was too elaborate? Sometimes less was more, after all, and this piece certainly had strained the talent of her tailor, and taken up three months' worth of her share from that particular business. And that wasn't even mentioning the other things she had requested, which had been even more expensive since it had been a rush order. She just hoped Adam appreciated the suit she had procured for him. Hopefully it would have arrived this very morning. "Anna, be a dear and fetch my necklace, the one with the emerald," Lucie said aloud, addressing the serving girl she had requested assigned to her. She had asked Adam if she could have this particular servant attend her in particular, partially because she was very near Lucie's own age — just two years her senior — and also because she had, as Lucie had discovered quickly, a very convenient psychic talent of her own. Some might have called it mind reading, or a variance of future sight, but it was more accurate to simply call it a very powerful intuition. It was because of said power, that she could barely finish the sentence before Anna pressed the necklace into her hand. "Here you go, Miss Lucie," she said demurely, taking a step back and allowed herself a moment to look over Lucie and the dress she wore. "It's marvellous," she breathed. Lucie let out a chuckle, fastening the chain around her neck and let the drop-shaped emerald rest against her breast. "It is, isn't it?" She asked, turning on the spot just fast enough for the skirt to flare and rise. She completed a few turns before she settled, eyeing herself once more in the mirror. It had taken weeks of trial and error to get this particular dress finished, and the result was better than she had imagined. It was a mix of a ballroom gown and dress, with some of the grandeur and stateliness of a gown, and the freedom, elegance and intricate designs of the dresses. It was made up of varying shades of blue for the different layers, though dominated most places by sky-blue. The teardrop shaped emerald that rested against her breast proved to be just the addition necessary to complete the look. She grinned at her own reflection and turned to address Anna, only to see her already offering satin gloves she had been about to request. Royal blue and elbow length, of course. The sly smile she received was all the confirmation she needed, that her surprise showed on her face. So many months later, and she still managed to get the better of Lucie. "Someone should give you a raise," Lucie said and pulled on the gloves, not even needing say anything before Anna also placed a pair of heeled shoes near her. "I would certainly appreciate if they did, Miss," Anna replied, "but I do not think it necessary. I already earn enough to support myself as it is." "Nevertheless," Lucie continued while putting on the shoes, "I do believe your talents aren't quite appreciated enough." She straightened up and looked down at her reflection again. "Do you think this adequate?" Despite herself, Anna couldn't help but giggle. "Miss, you're dressed to the nines, and it is yet only morning. Any more, cosmetics or otherwise, and you will appear as if on your way to a royal ball." Lucie hummed, stepping a little closer. "I do believe you're right. The bare necessities, don't you agree?" Anna was just about to answer when she paused, turned, and went for the door. A single knock hit the door before she had opened it, revealing another of the servants, this one a shorter man. "Yes?" Anna asked. "I-Ah... Oh." His eyes were, for a few moments, locked on Lucie who walked over to them, nearly towering over him. He managed to tear his eyes away just long enough to compose himself, when he looked back up at her there was nearly none of the awe that had been there before. "Miss Ruzicka, Master Adam invites you to breakfast with him in an hour." Adeleia very rarely invited for breakfast or dinner, usually letting the occupants of the House dine whenever they desired, so when an invitation came there usually was a reason, she thought. Lucie nodded and give him a kind smile. "Thank you, I think I will." The servant bowed and left, closing the door after himself leaving Lucie and Anna alone again. "Well, that certainly is a rare occurance. Maybe something a [i]little[/i] more extravagant is warranted?" Lucie and Anna's eyes met, a spark of understanding passing between them. "How about a side-braid?" They asked simultaneously.