[center][h2]Kuki Aho[/h2][sub]Bride of [color=f7941d]Unknown[/color] and sister-bride of [color=f7941d]Unknown[/color] Interacting with: [color=f7941d]No one yet[/color][/sub][/center] [color=fdc68a][i]Strange, this is only the second town we've passed through so far.[/i][/color] To Kuki's surprise, there weren't many towns on the way to Shadow Worth. Then again, maybe the drakkan was purposely avoiding the towns. Kuki wasn't paying much attention to the surroundings. She was busy trying to calm down the other gems in the carriage with her, and not get injured because every other second the carriage's wheels would hit a rock or fall into a rut in the road. When she wasn't talking to the other gems, she spent her time reading or just staring out at the clouds. The drakkan didn't talk to the gems much, only to tell them to be quiet if they were loud. As they got close to Drakka, Kuki noticed that the clouds started to get heavier and that a strong wind was blowing. She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself, as she had no blanket. After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few days, they arrived in Shadow Worth. Kuki looked up as a drakkan opened the door to the carriage and pulled the gems out. [color=fdc68a]"Hey, watch it! Do you know how long it'll take me to fix my hair after all that?"[/color] The drakkan laughed and said nothing, he just continued to push them into a giant building and into a large hall. There were more gems here and all around the room were drakkan guards, probably to make sure no gems tried to run and make a break for it. In the middle was an important-looking drakkan giving a speech. Kuki barley made it through without crying her eyes out. There were tears in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away and looked around. Most of the gems were crying or looked scared, but some of them looked impassive, as if this wasn't a big deal. Kuki looked at them in amazement and wondered [color=fdc68a][i]How? How can they be so calm at a time like this? We just had our lives basically taken from us and they look like they don't care![/i][/color] A drakkan eventually grabbed Kuki and led her to a room. He threw her in and locked the door. She sat on the floor and started to cry. She didn't know what else to do. She barely got any sleep and the next thing she knew there was pounding on the door and the same drakkan from last night appeared. He dragged her down a different hallway into a giant dining room. On the table were many platters, some dishes looking similar and others not so much. She quietly grabbed what she guessed was a fruit and started to nibble on it. [hider= Summary]Kuki made it to Shadow Worth in one piece. She cried a lot and ate some strange looking fruit.[/hider]