[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180303/43a28e887639c9ef30bd530a064131ef.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/OgJWsoXyPMYbS/giphy.gif[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Location:[/color] Nichols Home -> Homeroom [color=slategray]Interacting With:[/color] [color=ba314c][b]Katie Callaghan[/b][/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] As the sun began it’s ascent into the sky, one citizen of the 90210 was stirred from his creative endeavors. With a look of confusion, the subject in question, a tall, lanky boy, no older than sixteen, crossed his room to the window, peering out as if to be completely sure the sunrise was real. He saw no reason to believe it wasn’t. [color=7eff9a][b]“Shit. I did it again.”[/b][/color] Noah had a rather nasty habit of getting sucked into his art, and tended to forget the rest of the world. Sometimes he’d step back and realize he’d been working for hours on end, and had forgotten to sleep. This was one of those mornings. Yawning as he realized what this meant for the day, he sighed and flopped on his bed to wallow for a moment. [color=9a7eff][b]“Noah, it’s time to get up.”[/b][/color] The soft voice of Vincent, Noah’s assistant, came over the speaker set up in Noah’s room. Groaning, the young savant rolled out of bed, and shuffled to the shower. [color=7eff9a][b]“Thanks Vincent,”[/b][/color] Noah grumbled, as he entered the bathroom. After a quick shower, Noah got dressed and headed downstairs, doing his best to rub the sleep out of his eyes. In the living room, his mom was seated at the couch, a plate of waffles on her lap, watching CNN in her pyjamas. His mom, normally in a number of different countries doing important work for the State Department, had the next few weeks off at home, so she intended to laze about as much as possible. She grinned as she saw Noah walk in. [color=ff0040][b]“You have a waffle waiting for you on the counter Picasso,”[/b][/color] she said, pointing to a plate which held an enormous, fluffy waffle, drenched in syrup. Noah grinned, and grabbed the plate from the counter, then took a seat next to his mom, digging in before he’d even touched the couch. [color=7eff9a][b]“What’s going on now?”[/b][/color] Noah asked, gesturing to the television. Madison Nichols shook her head, frowning. [color=ff0040][b] “Remember the representative from New York? Timothy Prince? He just announced he’s running for President,”[/b][/color] she explained. Noah didn’t need her to explain that she wasn’t a fan of Prince. Her face said it all. Noah shook his head, commiserating with her, despite having little to no opinion on the subject. After breakfast, Noah hopped in the passenger seat of his mom’s SUV, and stared out the window, making small talk with his mom as she drove him to school. As much as he loved her, the drive to school was always unpleasant for him, and he couldn’t quite find it in himself to give her much more than one word answers. School was stupid. It was where the meatheads went, the hornets and the gnats, the normal people. Noah wasn’t normal, he wasn’t made to be around normal people. His blood was on fire. Everyone else might as well have been doused in flame retardant. Well, that is, except for Katie and Joy. They were revolutionaries, just like him. Joy was wicked smart, like Noah was with paint and pastels, but with books. And Katie? Katie just, understood, like, everything. She was his twin practically. And the way she just, could fit in, everywhere. Like, not just with the drama kids, with everyone. She could go talk to Damian O’Connor and Selena Sterling, and A Double and the Burners, and she was just so...liked. Forest green crept up Noah’s throat, envy for what Katie had. He pushed it down, made the green a beautiful, bright red, the color of an exploding sun because that’s what Katie reminded him of. A sun that was so brilliant and bright it exploded and became even more awesome. Once at school, Noah hugged his mom and waved goodbye, before walking into the building, his head down, wary of the different people passing by. Luckily, he was invisible today, no target for the meatheads, and he made it to homeroom without incident. He found Katie in the back, scrolling through her phone, feet up on a desk, reserving it for him. She grinned once she saw him, and moved her feet so he could take a seat. [color=ba314c][b]‘Hey Da Vinci, what’s up?”[/b][/color] she asked, pocketing her phone. Noah grinned. No matter how bad school was, at least he’d always have Katie.